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2024 Election Results

2024 Election Results

During the 2024 Student's Association General Election 789 students placed their vote for the next student leaders of South Dakota State University. The election occurred on Tuesday, March 19 and Wednesday, March 23 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Students could vote online or in person on the Market Stage. Below are the results and total votes each candidate received.

Vote Breakdown By College

  • 157 - College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
  • 327 - College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
  • 74 - Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering
  • 67 - College of Education & Human Sciences
  • 92 - College of Natural Sciences
  • 48 - College of Nursing
  • 2 - College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions
  • 791 - Total

President and Vice President Elect

Student's Association President Trinity Peterson and Vice President Hayden Bentz standing in the South Dakota State University Student Union with their backs towards each other, arms crossed, and smiling.

Trinity Peterson and Hayden Bentz

Vote Received: 720

Trinity Peterson and Hayden Bentz will serve as your next Student Body President and Vice President. They were sworn in on Monday, April 8, 2024 during the Students' Association Senate meeting. They will serve for the 2024-2025 academic term and lead the Students' Association through many new adventures including the GAF Strategic Plan and other large discussions.

Learn More About Trinity and Hayden

College Breakdown for Peterson/Bentz

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences: 327

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: 157

College of Education and Human Sciences: 67

College of Natural Sciences: 92

College of Nursing: 48

College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions: 2

Graduate School: 0

Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering: 74

Total: 791

Peterson and Bentz ran uncontested. 

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Senators Elect

157 students voted in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Election.


Claire Koenecke

Year: Junior

Major: English and Political Science

Votes Received: 98

Student's Association College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences senator Claire Koenecke sitting on a bench outside smiling

Hannah Dayaget

Year: Junior

Major: Global Studies and Political Studies

Votes Received: 78

Student's Association College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences senator Hannah Dayaget sitting on a bench outside smiling

Madeline Brink

Year: Senior

Major: Political Science

Votes Received: 83

Student's Association College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences senator Madeline Brink sitting on a bench outside smiling

Oscar Garcia

Year: Senior

Major: Global Studies

Votes Received: 87

Student's Association College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences senator Oscar Garcia sitting on a bench outside smiling

Chloe Wisser received 68 votes.

College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences Senators Elect

327 students voted in the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences.

Grace Peterson

Year: Junior

Major: Agricultural Business and Business Economics

Votes Received: 262

Student's Association College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences senator Grace Peterson sitting on a bench outside smiling

Wesley Siira

Year: Junior

Major: Animal Science and Agricultural Science

Votes Received: 229

Student's Association College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences senator Wesley Siira sitting on a bench outside smiling

Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering Senator Elect

74 students voted in the Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering.

Grant Sternhagen

Year: Senior

Major: Computer Science

Votes Received: 49

Student's Association Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering senator Grant Sternhagen sitting on a bench outside smiling

Mason Pulse

Year: Sophomore

Major: Physics and Mathematics

Votes Received: 52

Student's Association Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering senator Mason Pulse sitting on a bench outside smiling

Moises Dereconfort

Year: Junior

Major: Construction Management

Votes Received: 44

Student's Association Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering senator Moises Dereconfort sitting on a bench outside smiling

College of Natural Sciences Senators Elect

92 students voted in the College of Natural Sciences

Alex Schemek

Year: Junior

Major: Biochemistry and Microbiology

Votes Received: 49


Victoria Vazquez

Year: Junior

Major: Human Biology and Business Economics

Votes Received: 64

Student's Association College of Natural Sciences senator Victoria Vazquez sitting on a bench outside smiling

Matthew Schell

Year: Senior

Major: Biochemistry, Chemistry and Biology

Votes Received: 60

Student's Association College of Natural Sciences senator Matthew Schell sitting on a bench outside smiling

Avery Dooley received 48 votes

College of Nursing Senators Elect

48 students voted in the College of Nursing.

Rylee Sabo

Year: Senior

Major: Nursing

Votes Received: 31

Student's Association Chief of Staff Rylee Sabo sits outside on a bench smiling

Grace Barnett

Year: Sophomore

Major: Nursing

Votes Received: 41

Student's Association College of Nursing senator Grace Barnett sitting on a bench outside smiling