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Healthy University and Beyond

We define wellbeing as an optimal and dynamic state that allows people to achieve their full potential.

Source: NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation, NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and ACHA - American College Health Association (November 2020). Inter-association definition of wellbeing. Retrieved from NIRSA.

Environmental, Emotional, Financial, Digital, Social, Physical, Mindful, Occupational - University Wellbeing Dimensions of Wellness

Dimensions of Wellness Definitions

Recognize the role that one plays in preserving, protecting, and improving the environment. Environmental wellness includes the sense of safety, comfort, and connection with the physical surroundings.

The ability to understand your own feelings, accept your limitations, achieve emotional stability, and become comfortable with your emotions.  

The ability to meet current and ongoing financial obligations, develop positive financial behaviors to mitigate stress, and prioritize future financial security.

The ability to recognize and manage the influence of digital technologies on one's overall wellbeing. Digital wellness includes creating sustainable habits for technology use in one's daily life.

The willingness to interact with others, including those who have different backgrounds, perspectives and opinions. Social wellness includes the ability to maintain healthy relationships by supporting, connecting with and understanding others. 

A healthy body maintained by good nutrition, regular exercise, quality sleep and the avoidance of harmful habits. Physical wellness includes the ability to make informed and responsible decisions about health and seek medical care for treatment and prevention.

The sense that life is meaningful and has a purpose, the individual is part of something larger than oneself. Mindful wellness includes ethics, values, and morals that guide us and give positive meaning and direction to life. 

Emphasizes the importance of finding meaningful and rewarding work that empowers a well-balanced personal life. Occupational wellness includes valuing lifelong learning, developing critical thinking skills, and seeking to learn and develop new skills.