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Graduate Statistics Service Courses

What are graduate statistics service courses?

The SDSU Mathematics and Statistics Department offers two types of graduate statistics courses. Courses primarily intended for our department’s graduate students have mathematical prerequisites such as would be associated with a bachelor’s or even master’s degree in mathematics. Examples include STAT 684, 685, 686 and 687. All SDSU graduate students who have the necessary prerequisites are welcome to take these courses, but should be aware that the mathematical level will be high. Since it is not reasonable to expect all students to be interested in such courses, we also offer an extensive array of service courses for which the mathematical prerequisite is a course equivalent to SDSU’s MATH 102 College Algebra.

Who teaches graduate statistics service courses?

The same statistics faculty members who teach courses for our own graduate students also teach our service courses. They have outstanding credentials, with substantial experience in applied statistics in a variety of disciplines. They include Chris Saunders, Gary Hatfield, Gemechis Djira, Jixiang Wu, Tom Brandenburger and Xijin Ge.

Which graduate statistics courses are service courses

Current service courses include:

  • STAT 535 Applied Bioinformatics
  • STAT 541 Statistical Methods II
  • STAT 545 Nonparametric Statistics
  • STAT 560 Time Series Analysis
  • STAT 601 Modern Applied Statistics I
  • STAT 602 Modern Applied Statistics II
  • STAT 742 Spatial Statistics
  • STAT 661 Design of Experiments I

...and also include:

  • STAT 510 SAS Programming I
  • STAT 514 Introduction to R (1 credit)
  • STAT 515 R Programming
  • STAT 600 Statistical Programming.

All courses are three credits unless otherwise specified.

Here are lists of topics covered in the statistics service courses and in the programming courses.

How much undergraduate statistics knowledge do I need before I take these courses?

Our non-programming statistics service courses have either STAT 541 or an introductory undergraduate statistics course such as STAT 281 as prerequisite. It is expected that students enrolling in STAT 541 will have taken an introductory undergraduate statistics course.

For the programming courses, no prior statistics knowledge is required although some programming experience or at least familiarity with computer basics such as creating and uploading files is expected.