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System General Education Requirements

There are six Board of Regents System General Education Requirement (SGR) goals. English courses fulfill System General Education Requirement Goal #1 - Written Communication and Goal #4 - Arts and Humanities.

SGR No. 1: Written Communication

Departmental courses ENGL 101, 201, 277, 283 and 284 fulfill the System General Education Goal 1, Written Communication, as follows:

Goal #1: “Students will write effectively and responsibly and will understand and interpret the written expression of others.”

Student Learning Outcomes:

As a result of taking courses meeting this goal, students will:

  • Write using standard American English, including correct punctuation, grammar and sentence structure [assessment based upon your performance on various exercises and responses and on the major essays].
  • Write logically [assessment based upon your performance on the major essays].
  • Write persuasively, using a variety of rhetorical strategies (e.g., exposition, argumentation, description) [assessment based upon your performance on the major essays].
  • Incorporate formal research and documentation into their writing, including research obtained through modern, technology-based research tools [assessment based upon your completion of the research component of the major essays and various documentation exercises].

SGR No. 4: Arts and Humanities

Several of our literature classes meet SGR Goal #4, which is defined as follows:

System Goal No. 4: “Students will understand the diversity and complexity of the human experience through study of the arts and humanities.”

Student Learning Outcomes:

As a result of taking courses meeting this goal, students will:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the diversity of values, beliefs and ideas embodied in the human experience.
  • Identify and explain basic concepts of the selected disciplines within the arts and humanities.

In addition, as a result of taking courses meeting this goal, students will be able to do at least one of the following:

  • Identify and explain the contributions of other cultures from the perspective of the selected disciplines within the arts and humanities.
  • Demonstrate creative and aesthetic understanding.
  • Explain and interpret formal and stylistic elements of the literary or fine arts.
  • Demonstrate foundational competency in reading, writing and speaking a non-English language.