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Sustainability Courses

Sustainability Focused Courses*

  • CM 460/560 - Sustainable Building Systems 
  • ECON/AGEC 472/572 - Resource/Environment Economics 
  • EE 735 - Photovoltaics 
  • EE 737 - Organic Photovoltaics 
  • GDES 312 - Sustainable Package Design 
  • GEOG 111 - Sustainable Society 
  • GEOG 415/515 - Environment Geography/Sustain 
  • GEOG 454/554 - Sustainable Communities 
  • LA 101 - Ecology and Built Landscape 
  • ME 416/516 -Renewable Energy Systems 
  • NRM 110 -People and the Environment 
  • NRM 221 - Conservation Planning and Management 
  • NUTR 111 - Food, People and Environment 
  • PHIL 454 - Environmental Ethics 
  • PS/HO 345 - Non-Chemical Weed Management 
  • PS/HO 447/547 - Organic Plant Production 

Sustainability Related Courses*

  • ABE 732 - Adv Hydrology in Agriculture 
  • ABE 434-434L/534-534L - Natural Resources Engineering 
  • ABS 475-475L - Integrated Natural Resource Management 
  • ADV 476/576 - Global/Multicultural Advertise 
  • AGEC/BLAW 462/562 -Environmental Law 
  • AGEC 479/579 - Agricultural Policy
  • AIS 100 - Intro American Indian and Indigenous Studies
  • AIS 447 - American Indian Literature of the Present 
  • ARCH 432/532 - Technology of Surroundings 
  • ARCH 434/534 - Technology of Systems 
  • ARCH 521 - Media Tech VI 
  • ARCH 571 - Architectural Practice I 
  • ARCH 631 - Technology of Envelopes 
  • ARCH 632 - Technology of Interiors 
  • ARCH 671 - Architectural Practice III 
  • AS/AST 463/563 - Agricultural Waste Management 
  • AS/RANG 215 - Intro Integrated Ranch Management 
  • AST 333-333L - Soil and Water Mechanics 
  • AVIA 489 - Aviation Senior Seminar 
  • BIOL 235-235L - Introduction to Biotechnology 
  • BOT/HO 303-303L - Forest Ecology and Management 
  • BOT 405-405L/505-505L - Grasses and Grasslike Plants 
  • CEE 225 - Principles of Environmental Science and Engineering
  • CEE 411-411L/511-511L - Asphalt Materials and Mix Design 
  • CEE 435/535 - Water Resources Engineering 
  • CEE 725 - Biological Principles of Environmental Engineering
  • CHEM 482 - Environmental Chemistry 
  • CHEM 484/584 - Chemical Toxicology 
  • CHRD 731 - Multicultural Counseling and Human Relations 
  • CMST/GEOG 470 - Intercultural Communication 
  • DS 301-301L - Dairy Microbiology 
  • DS 322-322L - Dairy Products Processing II 
  • DS 421-421L - Dairy Plant Management 
  • DS 480-480L/580-580L - Dairy Farm Operations I 
  • EE 436-436L/536-536L - Photovoltaic Systems Engineering 
  • EES 275 - Intro to Environmental Science 
  • EES 425-425L/525-525L - Disturbance/Restoration Ecology 
  • EES 430-430L/530-530L - Biological Invasions 
  • ENGL 201 - Composition II 
  • ENGL 379 - Technical Communication 
  • ENGL 447 - American Indian Literature of the Present 
  • ENGL 479 - Literature and Human Rights 
  • FIN 420/520 - Student Managed Investment Fund 
  • FSRM 473-473L - Global Sourcing 
  • GE 231 - Technology, Society and Ethics 
  • GEOG/HMGT 420/520 - Geography of Tourism 
  • GEOG 131-131L - Physical Geography Weather and Climate 
  • GEOG 132-132L - Physical Geography Natural Landscapes 
  • GEOG 212 - Geography of North America 
  • GEOG 365 - Land Use and Planning 
  • GEOG 425/525 - Population Geography 
  • GEOG 447- Geography of the Future 
  • HIST 409/509 - Environmental History of US 
  • HLTH/HSC 443 - Public Health Science 
  • HO/NUTR/PS 426-426L/526-526L - Production of Wine, Beer, Spirits 
  • HO/PS 105 - Insects and Society 
  • ID 352 - Interior Design Studio IV 
  • LA 341 - Public/Social Place Design 
  • LA 352 - Planting/Ecological Design 
  • LA 452 - Capstone Studio 
  • ME 230-230L - Engineering Design Methods 
  • ME 439-439L/539-539L - HVAC System Design 
  • NRM/PS 405-405L/505-505L - Entomology 
  • NRM 300 - Laws and Policies in NRM 
  • NRM 311 - Principles of Ecology 
  • NRM 321 - Park Interpretation 
  • NRM 350 - Conservation/Management of Endangered Wildlife 
  • NRM 464/564 - Ecosystem Ecology 
  • NRM 706-706L - Landscape Ecology 
  • NURS 454 - Leadership and Management 
  • NURS 461 - Vulnerable Populations: Nursing 
  • NURS 675 - Cultural Humility: Healthcare 
  • NUTR 315 - Human Nutrition 
  • NUTR 322 - Nutrition Assessment 
  • NUTR 423-423L/523-523L - Medical Nutrition Therapy I 
  • NUTR 425-425L/525-525L - Medical Nutrition Therapy II 
  • POLS 102 - American Political Issues 
  • POLS 360 - Politics of Inequality 
  • PS 243 - Principles of Geology 
  • PS 412/512 - Environmental Soil Chemistry 
  • PS 431-431L - Insect Ecology and Biological Control 
  • PS 447 - Organic Plant Production 
  • PS 462-462L - Environmental Soil Management 
  • PS 721 - Adv Integrated Pest Management 
  • PS 743-743L - Environmental Soil Physics 
  • PSYC 244 - Environmental Psychology 
  • PSYC 364 - Cross Cultural Psychology 
  • PSYC 443 - Social Psychology of Prejudice 
  • PUBH 733 - Environmental Health 
  • PUBH 767 - Public Health Toxicology 
  • RANG 205 - Intro to Range Management 
  • RANG 321 - Wildland Ecosystems 
  • RANG 374-374L - Habitat Conservation and Management 
  • REL 454 - Environmental Ethics 
  • SOC 150 - Social Problems 
  • SOC 283 - Working w/ Diverse Populations 
  • SOC 462/562 - Population Studies 
  • WL 220 - Intro Wildlife and Fish Management 
  • WL 411-411L - Principles of Wildlife Management 
  • WL 412-412L - Principles of Fisheries Management 
  • WL 415-415L/515-515L - Upland Game Ecology/Management 
  • WL 419-419L/519-519L - Waterfowl Ecology/Management 
  • WL 429-429L/529-529L - Ecology of Fishes and Habitat 
  • WL 430 - Human Dimensions in NRM 
  • WL 431-431L/531-531L - Advanced Fisheries Management 
  • WL 712-712L - Wetlands Ecology/Management 


*This list was compiled from three years worth of data as part of SDSU's completion of the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) benchmark report. 

*This list was updated in 2022.