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Cohort 1: Sarah

Sarah, PreK

Year 1, Cohort 1, Non-Rural Alaska
Child-Nature Points of Interest (2018-2019)

Demographic Information

Source: Family Survey, Fall 2018 (not completed) N/A

Child's Drawings

Child's Drawing: Mommy, fire, mommy's flower

Fall 2018

Title: Outside by a fire

Child quotes:

“I do it [have a fire] at my house but we never do it at my house because it’ll burn all of my mommy’s stuff.”

“We do it [have a fire] outside in the woods.”

“This is my mommy’s flower.”

“That’s my baby!”

“Flowers inside my house.”

“Let’s make a campfire.”

“That’s a sleeping bag.”

Family Feedback: N/A

Child's drawing: Ice cream (red scribbles)

Spring 2019

Title: Ice Cream

Child quotes: N/A

Family Feedback: N/A

Child's drawing: grass (colorful scribbles)
Fall 2018
Child's drawing: Firend playing with me, snowball (red scribbles)
Spring 2019
Child's drawing: pizza
Fall 2018
Child's drawing: Finding dog poop, hearing the tweet bird
Spring 2019

Fall 2018
Class Nature Tour Video Tutorial

Emotional and Behavioral Points of Interest:

Misconception about moose being in the forest: “there is no moose in here…no there are not; they don’t live in here”; tension with peers when navigating through log area, “Ah, your pushing me!”; another child takes away flower Sara had picked; giggled when tickled by plants.

Spring 2019
Class Nature Tour Video Highlights

Emotional and Behavioral Points of Interest:

Misconception- “snow sucked up water”; racing/running on the snow, remembered forest from previous visit, excitement about hanging upside down and climbing trees

Childs Reflections on Educational Activities 

“I like to play in the trees and the grass.”

“Climb that tree.”

“Playing with Amanda it… um… having a good ride on the bus and playing in the trees.”

“Fun fighting (or riding – unclear word) on the bus with Amanda. I was sitting by her.

“Fun walking in the snow on the bridge.”

“Can go on the bridge. Can’t go on the water.”

“Can go on the bridge. Can’t go in the lake.”

“No going into the river. No going into the water or puddles.”

This project is funded by the National Science Foundation. Award # 1753399, CAREER: A longitudinal study of the emotional and behavioral processes of Environmental Identity Development among rural and non-rural Alaskan children