Michael, PreK
Year 1, Cohort 1, Non-Rural Alaska
Child-Nature Points of Interest (2018-2019)
Demographic Information
- Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
- DOB: May, 2014
- Gender: Male
- Birthplace: Columbus, GA
- Family Members: Mother, Father, Brother (age 6)
- Years Parent Lived in Alaska: 2
- Parent’s feeling about place lived: 10 (1-10 rating; 10=extremely happy, 1=extremely unhappy)
- House Location(s) in Fairbanks: Inside Fairbanks City Limits
Source: Family Survey, Fall 2018 (completed Michael’s mo
- Family Outdoor Activities:
- (Ranked frequently and almost always)
- Go to playground or park (in city/town/village)
- Hike in natural setting
- Child’s Outdoor Activities:
- (Ranked frequently and almost always)
- Bike, scooter, or skate
- Make believe/free play (outdoors summer)
- Build forts
- Pick flowers
- Play with dog
- Jump on trampoline
- Collect/Find things (rocks)
- Build snowman, snow forts, snowballs
- Sled
- Favorite Family Activity (Written response): "Fishing/hiking"
- Child’s Favorite Summer Activity (Written response): “Playing outside with friends"
- Child’s Favorite Winter Activity (Written response): “Building snow forts with Dad"
- Description of outdoor experience when child was afraid/scared (Written response): “He was afraid to go on the big slide and swing too high- use imagination.”
- Description of outdoor experience when child was excited/happy (Written response): “He played soccer with a large group of neighborhood kids.”
Source: Family Survey, Fall 2018 (completed Michael’s mo
Child's Drawings
Fall 2018
Title: Wrestling
Child quotes:
“me and my brother wrestling.”
“We wrestle together sometimes I get hurt.”
“ ’cause we like it.”
“right in my yard.”
Family Feedback: Michael’s mother writes that he wrestles “almost daily” with his brother, both “inside and outside.”
Spring 2019
Title: Playing wizards in the snow
Child quotes:
“I like to play in the snow and play some games with my brother”
“playing with my friends”
“It was so funny and we had sticks for staffers”
Family Feedback: N/A
Fall 2018: No drawing
Fall 2018: No drawing
Fall 2018
Class Nature Tour Video Highlights
Spring 2019
Class Nature Tour Video Highlights
Emotional and Behavioral Points of Interest:
Uses stick as sword; Goes onto ice, though warned of danger; purposively falls, crawls, rolls on snow
Child Reflections on Education Activities
Child Quotes:
“I’ll keep falling holes I was try to stay with Daniel but he kept going away and I falled on him.”
“Nothing” (Answer to being asked what he learned.)
This project is funded by the National Science Foundation. Award # 1753399, CAREER: A longitudinal study of the emotional and behavioral processes of Environmental Identity Development among rural and non-rural Alaskan children