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Student Organization Travel

Student Organization Travel

In order for a recognized student organization to travel on a university sponsored or recognized trip, student organizations must follow the following guidelines:

If a recognized student organization is traveling, regardless if they are missing class or not, they are required to have their faculty/staff campus advisor fill out the Student Activities/Trips Authorization Request Form For University Sponsored/Recognized Trips (found on InsideState or linked off of Jacks Club Hub). If students are planning on missing class, the form must be submitted online one week before the trip. If students are not missing class, it must be submitted before the trip commences. 

Each student traveling must also complete a Release and Waiver of Liability; Assumption of Risk Agreement; Indemnity Agreement; and Consent to Medical Treatment and Emergency Contact Form (found on InsideState or linked off of Jacks Club Hub). We suggest that a copy of these forms are taken on the trip and a copy is kept on campus in case of an emergency. 

If a recognized student organization is planning on traveling without an advisor, each student traveling will need to fill out a Travel Safe Agreement (found on the Student Affairs website or linked off of Jacks Club Hub). These forms can then be turned into the Office of Student Activities before the trip commences.

If a recognized student organization is planning on utilizing a motor pool vehicle for their trip, they must reserve the vehicle in advance by calling 688-4323 and providing an index number. If someone other than a full-time SDSU employee is planning on driving the vehicle, then further paperwork is required. A student who is not employed by the University must fill out a Volunteer Form with Human Resources. Once that form is submitted, the student (SDSU employee or not) must fill out a Student Driver Fleet Vehicle Check-Out Form (found on InsideState or linked off of Jacks Club Hub). This form must be signed by the advisor of the organization/supervisor of the student employee and Motor Pool before a vehicle can be released to the recognized student organization for the trip. All student drivers must provide a valid driver’s license upon vehicle check-out. 

Travel Request Online Form