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Madhav Nepal Research

Molecular Biology student in Dr. Nepal's Lab
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Researchers in my lab are interested in understanding plant evolution using approaches in 

bioinformatics, molecular phylogenetics, comparative genomics and ecological genetics. The main research goal is to provide the interested students/ researchers with the cutting-edge research experience that they can apply to their future career. Some active projects are: 

Identification and Characterization of Stress Responsive Genes in Crops 

  • Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) families in legumes and other crop species.
  • Disease/Pest resistance Genes (R-genes) in legumes and other crop species.

Ecological Genetics of Both Native and Invasive Plant Species

  • Molecular Systematics (e.g. Taxonomy and phylogeny of the genus Morus).
  • Community phylogenetics, and population genetics of native plants.
  • Introduction history and genetics of invasive species (e.g. Sickleweed).