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Museum Membership

Exterior of the Ag Museum

In addition to supporting the museum's exhibits you'll be providing valuable assistance for programs such as:

  • Preservation of collections
  • National History Day in South Dakota competitions
  • Traveling programs and education outreach
  • Museum lecture series
  • Adult programs
  • Book discussion groups
  • School programs

Memberships Benefits

  • Members receive the Museum Newsletter four times a year.
  • Invitations to special events.
  • Museum Store discount that includes 20% books and 10% general merchandise.
  • 10% off select workshops and trip fees.
  • Museum parking permit decal.
  • Time Traveler Reciprocal Museum Membership Perks.
time travelers logo
Your passport to a variety of membership benefits at Historic Sites across the U.S. 

Attention South Dakota Agricultural Heritage Museum members:

Currently, the Time Travelers program includes over 400 organizations in more than 45 states across the country. As a member of the South Dakota Agricultural Heritage Museum, you can receive a variety of exclusive benefits and privileges, such as free admission, gift shop discounts and much, much more.

Did you know your membership includes access to the time travelers network?

Become a MUSEUM member today!

Help use protect our past and promote our future. South Dakota agricultural history is the history of our state.


Animals stacked on top of each other to represent different membership levels at the museum.  From top to bottom: rabbit ($50), chicken ($75), sheep ($120), pig ($250), horse ($500), cow ($1,000), and buffalo ($5,000+).

Memberships Levels

Membership levels are as follows:

  • Rabbit: $50
  • Chicken: $75
  • Sheep: $120
  • Pig: $250
  • Horse: $500
  • Cow: $1,000
  • Buffalo: $5,000+