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SDSU Aviation Student Achievement Data

"Campanile from behind"

AABI Criterion 3.2.4 Compliance- updated December 2023

South Dakota State University

College of Education and Human Sciences
Bachelor of Science - aviation
Aviation education specialization

Aviation Education Program Mission

The aviation education Program at South Dakota State University is committed to preparing safe, innovative, professional aviation educators who enhance human potential through transdisciplinary, learner-centered education in South Dakota and beyond. We assure this by forming multi-engine commercial pilots and instructors who are able to apply their educational experience to the aviation profession. 

Aviation Education Outcomes (including AABI General and Core Outcomes)

These aviation program outcomes are what we expect all graduates of the aviation program to be able to exhibit upon graduation. They are reported as part of the assessment process.

  • Apply the general education experience to the aviation profession.
  • Demonstrate instructional knowledge in single- and multi-engine aircraft to the FAA commercial pilot standard.
  • Demonstrate instructional knowledge by creating and teaching relevant aviation topics to colleagues. 
  • Apply mathematics, science and applied sciences to aviation-related disciplines.
  • Analyze and interpret data.
  • Work effectively on multi-disciplinary and diverse teams.
  • Make professional and ethical decisions.
  • Communicate effectively, using written communication skills.
  • Communicate effectively, using oral communication skills.
  • Engage in and recognize the need for life-long learning.
  • Assess contemporary issues.
  • Use the techniques, skills and modern technology necessary for professional practice.
  • Assess the national and international aviation environment.
  • Apply pertinent knowledge in identifying and solving problems.
  • Apply knowledge of business sustainability to aviation issues.
  • Describe the professional attributes, requirements or certifications, and planning applicable to aviation careers.
  • Describe the principles of aircraft design, performance and operating characteristics; and the regulations related to the maintenance of aircraft and associated systems.
  • Evaluate aviation safety and the impact of human factors on safety.
  • Discuss the impact of international aviation law, including applicable International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) or other international standards and practices, and applicable national aviation law, regulations and labor issues on aviation operations.
  • Explain the integration of airports, airspace and air traffic control in managing the National Airspace System.
  • Discuss the impact of meteorology and environmental issues on aviation operations.

Program assessment measures employed

The assessment process is ongoing and data is collected and analyzed continuously throughout the aviation program and used to better foster student learning. The program uses the following techniques to gather both direct and indirect feedback on student learning:

  • Individual and group projects
  • Presentations
  • Scholarly papers
  • Examinations
  • Flight evaluations
  • Surveys
  • Senior seminar assignments requiring cumulative knowledge and skills acquired throughout educational experience

Enrollment/Graduation Rates

This data is the same that is reported to Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Students that were coded in the first time full time bachelor’s degree seeking federal cohorts that started in the Aviation Education program their first fall semester (as of census freeze) at SDSU. For definitions of terms please see the IPEDS website.

Fall Cohort Retention

Aviation Education - First-time, Full-time Fall Bachelors-Seeking Cohort

This table reports on the First-time, Full-time, Fall, Bachelors-Seeking undergraduate students who entered the Fall of their first year enrolled in the aviation-aviation education (B.S.) program and how many of these students are retained in the program to the Fall of their second year.
Fall Cohort(Retention Term)Initial Cohort HeadcountRetained SecondRetention Rate
>2022 FA Cohort(retained 2023 Fall)483368.8%
2021 FA Cohort(retained 2022 Fall)312064.5%
2020 FA Cohort(retained 2021 Fall)533769.8%
2019 FA Cohort(retained 2020 Fall)462976.1%
2018 FA Cohort(retained 2019 Fall)271244.4%
2017 FA Cohort(retained 2018 Fall)343676.5%

Fall Cohorts / Six-Year Graduation Rates

Aviation Education - First-time, Full-time Fall Bachelors Seeking Cohort

The table reports the number of full-time, first-time, Bachelor's degree-seeking undergraduates who entered the Fall of their first year in the Aviation Education program and completed the program within six-years (or 150% of normal time to completion).

Fall Cohort(Terms Graduated Between)Initial Cohort HeadcountGraduated Within 6 yearsGrad Rate
2013FA(Fall 2013-Summer 2019)17741%
2014FA(Fall 2014-Summer 2020)13538%
2015FA(Fall 2015-Summer 2021)16531%
2016FA(Fall 2016-Summer 2022)20630%

Full time students enrolled in Aviation Education

  • Fall 2023 semester: 195 students
  • Fall 2022 semester: 174 students
  • Fall 2021 semester: 147 students
  • Fall 2020 semester: 154 students
  • Fall 2019 semester: 139 students

Graduation Data

  • 2022-2023 (Summer, Fall, Spring): 29 B.S. in aviation- aviation education degrees awarded
  • 2021-2022 (Summer, Fall, Spring): 25 B.S. in aviation- aviation education degrees awarded
  • 2020-2021 (Summer, Fall, Spring): 9 B.S. in aviation- aviation education degrees awarded
  • 2019-2020 (Summer, Fall, Spring): 7 B.S. in aviation- aviation education degrees awarded
  • 2018-2019 (Summer, Fall, Spring): 13 B.S. in aviation- aviation education degrees awarded

Rates and types of employment of graduates

Ninety six percent (96%) of graduates from 2021-2022 are employed in aviation positions. Employers include: SkyWest Airlines, Charter First, Optic Air, other universities (CFI), SDSU CFI and Endeavor Airlines.