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IAB Charter

South Dakota State University
Electrical Engineering (EE) and Computer Science (CS)
Industry Advisory Boards’ (IABs) Charter

(Last Approved: 4-16-2021)


The Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department has two Industry Advisory Boards – the EE IAB and the CS IAB.  While a single charter will serve as a guide for the EE and CS IABs, each IAB will be self-governing.  However, changes to the charter will be acted on and approved by members of both IABs.


The purpose of the EE and CS Programs’ Industry Advisory Boards (IABs), comprised of industry leaders, is to provide input, feedback and support to the EE and CS Department Head and Faculty to ensure that the programs are effectively serving the needs of all its constituents, including students, industry, government and other primary constituents throughout the state and region.  Furthermore, the IABs serve as advocacy groups with State and University officials on behalf of the department and programs.


The mission of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department is to provide a rigorous, practical education for our students oriented toward problem solving; to conduct world-class research with a regional emphasis; and to provide technical assistance to existing and emerging businesses, industry and government.


The objective of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science IABs is to provide external input and assessment of the respective programs that will result in continuous program improvement.  This continuous external interaction is considered vital for the programs to successfully fulfill its Land Grant mission and objectives.  

Particular areas of interest for these interactions include:

  1. Maintaining the relevance of the programs’ educational objectives and desired student outcomes with reference to Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET).
  2. The development and enhancement of collaborative activities with local and regional high-tech industries to promote student and faculty professional development.
  3. The fostering of closer ties with K-12 education in a manner that will help address the shortage of high quality math and science teachers and students interested in the engineering sciences.
  4. Act as an advocacy group with State and University officials to support the Department in fostering program enhancements.



  1. A company and the representative should actively represent the respective industries and disciplines, and are able to fully support the mission and purpose of the respective program board.
  2. A company should only have single representation on the respective program board.
  3. A member represents the company they work for as well as themselves personally. 
  4. The membership position held is not mutually exclusive of either the person or the company they represent. 
  5. If a person steps down from the board or leaves the company they work for, both the person and the company no longer hold a position on the board. If the company wishes to remain represented on the board, the company can nominate a replacement person to the respective Nomination Committee.
  6. If a company chooses to withdraw from the board, the representative will step down accordingly.
  7. If a member is absent from three consecutive board meetings, both person and company shall be removed from board membership, unless the Board approves a motion to allow the member and company to remain based on the specific circumstances.


IAB members, while representing both themselves and the company, ultimately represent all of industry, and are to fulfill the overall purpose of the board as discussed above.  Members are expected to perform specific activities to engage students and faculty for their involvement within the industry and actively seek out resources in partnership with the department.  Aside from attending and participating in IAB meetings, examples of some activities may include, but are not limited to, reviewing curriculum and curriculum assessment, completing surveys, partnering in recruitment and outreach activities or participating in capstone design projects.


  1. The EE and CS Department Head is a member of the IAB and will serve as the primary point of contact.
  2. The term of Advisory Board service is defined as three years.  
    1. A member may hold a board seat for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
    2. After completing two consecutive terms, a former member may be re-elected after one year or greater break in service. 
    3. Start and ending dates for members will be staggered in an effort to maintain membership continuity.
  3. The minimum size of each Board will be 10 members not counting the Department Head of EECS.
  4. The maximum size of each Board will be 20 members, i.e., 20 seats, not counting the Department Head of EECS.
  5. A member may send a representative to an IAB on-campus meeting in his/her absence.
  6. Quorum defined:
    1. On-campus meeting quorum is met with 50% IAB attendance plus one.
    2. Off-campus (email, web conference, teleconference, etc.) meeting quorum is met with 90% IAB participation.
  7. Ballot votes may be conducted by and for IAB members
    1. At an IAB on-campus meeting (by proxy if absent or by a representative attending in his/her place).
    2. Off-campus (email, web survey, etc.).
  8. Passing vote is considered to be 51%, or greater, quorum approval
  9. Nominations for IAB membership may be made to the Nomination Committee by Industry members and companies as well as South Dakota State University faculty members. The person submitting the nomination will be responsible for
    1. Asking the nominee about his/her willingness to serve.
    2. Explaining to the nominee the ballot process for IAB appointment.
    3. Submitting nominee name, biography and contact information to the Nomination Committee.
  10. Board appointment is established by ballot vote. The diversity in the background and experience of the nominee should be considered in the process of appointing new members.
  11. The IAB officers will consist of a
    1. Chairperson
    2. Vice-chairperson
  12. Officer terms are defined as
    1. Two years for the chairperson.
    2. Two years for the vice-chairperson.
  13. Officer appointment is established by ballot vote.
  14. Officers may serve in the same capacity for no more than two consecutive terms.
  15. Responsibilities of the IAB Chairperson will be to.
    1. Coordinate the board meeting agendas with the EE and CS department head.
    2. Conduct meetings.
    3. Lead the industry-specific portion of the meeting agenda.
    4. Oversee industry efforts and activities.
    5. Create and assign any committees necessary to conduct the business of the IAB.
    6. Serve as the secondary point of contact.
    7. Annually appoint three board members to serve as a Nominating Committee, both for the nomination of officers and for nomination of new members (the department head is an ex officio committee member).
  16. Responsibilities of the vice-chairperson will be to assist chairperson in
    1. Establishing agenda.
    2. Conducting  the meeting in absence of chair.
    3. Serving on other committees.
    4. Working with department’s administrative staff on meeting venue activities, including desired setup, contact information and/or catering, depending on the various needs for having a successful meeting.
  17. Responsibility of the IAB Nominating Committee will be to
    1. Poll both the university faculty, current members and industry companies regarding prospective members.
    2. Present candidates to the board.
    3. Nominate officers.
  18. Termination of membership will be by
    1. Normal attrition and disqualification of inactive members.
    2. Member or company notice of resignation provided to the department head and board chair.
  19. The IAB will meet a minimum of once per year, with the primary meeting to be held during the fall semester.  A second meeting, during the second semester, is optional.  All meeting announcements should be made at least two months prior to the meeting and made by the IAB chairperson or chair’s designee. When warranted, additional meetings may be held at the discretion of the IAB chairperson.
  20. From time to time, the IAB Chairperson will create committees for certain purposes. The composition and duration of the committees shall be defined by the IAB board upon creation. In general, all committees shall have a defined objective and a specific life span. Once the objective has been accomplished, or the time span elapsed, the committee shall be abolished.
  21. Modification to this charter must be
    1. Initiated by a member.
    2. Member must notify and send suggested modifications to IAB Chairs at least two weeks prior to next scheduled meeting, at which time the Chairs will disseminate to respective IABs and include in the meeting’s agenda.
    3. Changes to the charter will be ratified by ballot vote with approval by majority vote of quorum.