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Briggs Library Wish List

Jack at Briggs Library

Support Hilton M. Briggs Library

Encourage inquisitive minds through a gift to the Hilton M. Briggs Library and the SDSU Archives and Special Collections!

Donors enhance library materials, spaces, and services that benefit the scholarly activities and lifelong learning of SDSU students, faculty and staff, and researchers from around the world. These wish list items identify specific ways library friends and advocates can strengthen the library.

If you are interested in donating to the library, please call 605-688-5107, email or visit the SDSU Foundation's Make a Gift website, click on the Select a Designation dropdown menu, and choose Hilton M. Briggs Library.

Any Amount

  • Funds for collections to enhance resources at the library.
  • Funds for archival quality boxes and folders to rehouse items for preservation.
  • Funds to support the Prairie Striders Running Club Library collection, in memory of Bob Bartling.
  • Funds for ROTC records to be processed and digitized by student assistants in the Archives and Special Collections.
  • Funds to purchase student artwork to be displayed in the library.
  • Funds for The Collegian to continue to be digitized.

Up to $500

  • $18 for microphone windscreen to improve recorded audio from library events.
  • $30 for backdrop fabric at library events.
  • $37 for presentation remote clicker and laser for speakers to use at library events.
  • $50 for books for the Popular Reading section.
  • $85 for a LifeVac kit, an emergency anti-choking device.
  • $100 for the Wokini Knowledge Circle book collection, such as Sage and Cedar by Darell Marcus Kills In Sight (Sicangu Lakota).
  • $100 for noise cancelling wireless headphones for students to use.
  • $150 for mobile whiteboards for students to use and move to various study spaces with ease.
  • $150 to digitize one 16mm film from the Ben Reifel Papers, or $3,000 to digitize all 26 16mm films, which relate to Reifel's public service career. 
  • $160 for The "War Scrap Book" of Matilda Joslyn Gage: Witness to Rebellion, a contextualized collection of Civil War newspaper clippings.
  • $200 for Finals Week Study Break food and drink supplies for students.
  • $250 for Eminent Farmer and Homemaker Collection scrapbooks to be preserved and digitized.
  • $250 for six portable battery packs for students to charge devices throughout the library.
  • $295 for "Great Events from History: African American History," a three-volume set that studies a wide variety of historical and contemporary events.
  • $350 to preserve 13 Future Farmers of America scrapbooks from the Scotland, South Dakota, chapter, with materials that range from 1952—2003. The funds will be added to a previous donation for the scrapbooks and fulfill the project’s need.
  • $400 for "Origins of the Cold War," a digital archival collection with documents that examine the historical conflict between the Soviet Union and the U.S., and the world events that served to influence relations between the two world powers.
  • $440 for "U.S. Military Activities and Civil Rights: The Little Rock Integration Crisis, 1957-1958,"  a digital archival collection with documents that relate to the events in the fall of 1957 when nine African-American high school students sought an education at the Little Rock Central High School. 

$500 - $1,999

  • $500 for continued digitization of Norby Photograph Collection images of Brookings people and places.
  • $500 for technical equipment to digitize audiovisual materials in the Archives.
  • $525 for a hybrid event with Dr. Douglas Tallamy, best-selling author of Nature's Best Hope and professor in the Dept. of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware.
  • $600 for Frank Ross Glass Plate Negatives Collection archival boxes, enclosures, and processing by student assistants.
  • $500-$2,000 to digitize boxes of SDSU Little International images. The collection has four boxes, with each box containing about 500 images that cost $500 to digitize.
  • $750 for a mobile device charging station for patron usage. The station charges up to eight devices at a time.
  • $840 for "Python Programming and Numerical Methods: A Guide for Engineers and Scientists," an e-book with unlimited use.
  • $850 for a one-year subscription to Access to Memory, the new content management system for Archives.
  • $1,500 for Ben Reifel Papers digitization of 49 reel-to-reel audio recordings that currently are not easily accessible.


  • $2,000 for a commercial freezer to preserve and  protect delicate archival materials.
  • $2,340 for the online Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies, Elsevier, 2017, that contains articles requested by faculty.
  • $2,785 for an emergency AED (defibrillator) kit.
  • $15,000 for the "Encyclopedia of Modernism," an electronic interdisciplinary reference work.


  • Sports programs of SDSU athletic events from any period of time. Our current collection is a random assortment of programs.
  • Hobo Day memorabilia commemorating the university's homecoming traditions.
  • Jack Rabbit Yearbooks to replace damaged volumes.


Thank you to library donors for funding the following Wish List items:

Jackrabbit Gallery
Jackrabbit Gallery
  • Tribal Nations of North America map on canvas material to hang by the Map Collection.
  • Art hanging system and funds for a wall quote for the Jackrabbit Gallery in the library's lower level.
  • "A Little Norsk," a rare 1892 first edition book based in South Dakota.
  • "The Song of the Indian Wars," a rare 1925 first edition epic poem about the leaders and events of the Indian Wars.
  • Short-throw projector to improve the classroom experience in the Archives department.
Active Study Area
Active Study Area
  • Funds for the John E. Miller Papers to be rehoused and preserved.
  • Funds for Active Study Area equipment that allow students to do light exercise while studying.
  • Funds for student assistants to digitize materials in the Edgar McFadden and N.E. Hansen collections.
  • External Blu-ray drives for students to checkout.
  • Reel-to-reel player with a 1-7/8 ips (inches per second) speed setting, which is best suited for staff when they listen to recorded speeches.
  • VCRs of high quality that allow for the digitization of VHS tapes.
The Dakota Friend
Dakota Tawaxitku Kin, or The Dakota Friend
  • Funds for Nursing Mothers Room improvements that include a rocking chair, room décor, and supplies.
  • Funds for student help to assist in photographing and creating metadata for artifacts in the Sen. Thomas A. Daschle Career Papers.
  • Preservation boxes that hold the rare 1850s newspaper collection of The Dakota Friend.
  • Funds for a Harry Potter traveling exhibit from the National Library of Medicine for costs associated with shipping and a related program.
  • Funds for student assistant awards to aid library student workers in their educational expenses.
  • Reference Encyclopedia of the American Indian, 21st Ed. 2016,an information sourcebook/directory of Native North Americans, Alaska Native groups, and Canadian First Nations.
  • Funds to digitize issues of The Collegian from the 1960s and 1970s.
  • Funds for printing Destination Moon, a Smithsonian Institution poster exhibit.

Support Hilton M. Briggs Library