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Expanding the boundaries of knowledge through discovery and understanding that results from research, scholarship, and creative activity is one of the central missions of the educational process—particularly for faculty at land-grant universities like South Dakota State. This expansion of knowledge leads to solving the issues that face us on a daily basis: be they health, societal or educational.

The faculty at the College of Education and Human Services are involved in a wide range of research, scholarship, and creative activity. As a part of their ongoing professional activities, we expect all faculty members to take part in the development of new knowledge. We also strongly encourage faculty members to seek external funding to support and grow their research programs. Currently, the college receives over $3 million in external grants and contracts annually, along with an additional $1 million in Agriculture Experiment Station funding.

The nature of the research projects varies with the faculty member and the department. Some of these include:

  • Nutrition studies related to diabetes.
  • Techniques for addressing psychological health.
  • Development of methods for validating the effectiveness of park board-members.
  • Reggio-inspired practices in early childhood education.
  • Social change in the marketplace.
  • The study of "informal" learning.

Research, scholarship and creative activity in the college forms the backbone for much of what takes place here: learning opportunities for undergraduates, thesis and dissertation projects for our graduate students, and the further understanding of issues and challenges faced by individuals and society in general.

If you are considering enrolling in graduate school and want to determine potential research areas available or want more information on ongoing activities, contact the department related to your area of interest.


(Bolded names are EHS Faculty, ** indicate student)

  • Allen, K. R., & Lavender-Stott, E. S. (2020). The families of LGBTQ older adults: Theoretical approaches to creative family connections in the context of marginalization, social historical change, and resilience. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 12(2), 200-219. doi:10.1002/JFTR.12370 
  • Allen, K. R., & Lavender-Stott, E. S. (2020). Preparing the educators who teach about families: Engaging family science in the university setting. Family Relations, 69(3), 442-460. doi:10.1111/fare.12421 
  • Arnold, Z.** & Liu, H.-L. (2020). The impact of alcohol consumption on academic success and athletic identity in collegiate student-athletes. Journal of Amateur Sport, 6(2), 84-106.
  • Betz-Hamilton, A. E. (2020). A phenomenological study on parental perpetrators of child identity theft. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 34 (1), 1-10. doi: 10.1891/JFCP-19-00001
  • Betz-Hamilton, A. (2020). Understanding the experiences of familiar identity theft victims: A pilot study. Journal of Financial Therapy, 11 (1). doi: 10.4148/1944-9771.1237
  • Block M, Kattelmann KK, Meendering J, McCormack L. Relationship of weight-related behaviors and weight loss of participants enrolled in a proprietary weight loss program.  Nutrition and Metabolic Insights. 12:1-5, 2020.
  • Choi, S., Heo, W., Cho, S. H., & Lee, P. (2020). The links between job insecurity, financial well-being, and financial stress: A moderated-mediation model. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 44 (4), 353-360.
  • Cuthbertson, C., Brennan, A., Shutske, J., Zierl, L., Bjornestad, A., Macy, K., Schallhorn, P., Shelle, G., Dellifield, J., Leatherman, J., Lin, E., & Skidmore. M. (2020). Developing and implementing farm stress training to address agricultural producer mental health.  Health Promotion Practice.
  • Dev, D. A., Garcia, A. S., Dzewaltowski, D. A., Sisson, S., Franzen-Castle, L., Rida, Z., … Frost, N. (2020). Provider reported implementation of nutrition-related practices in childcare centers and family childcare homes in rural and urban Nebraska. Preventive Medicine Reports.
  • Dev, D. A., Garcia, A. S., Tovar, A., Hatton-Bowers, H., Franzen-Castle, L., Rida, Z., … Sheridan, S. (2020). Contextual factors influence professional development attendance among childcare providers in Nebraska. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 52(3): 270-280. DOI:
  • Dey M, Kashyap PC. A diet for health weight: why reaching a consensus seems difficult.  Nutrients. 12(10):2997. doi: 10.3390/nu12102997
  • Dhakal S, McCormack L, Dey M. Association of the gut microbiota with weight-loss response within a retail weight-management program.  Microorganisms. 8(8), 1246.
  • Diejomaoh, C., Li, Xu, & Liu, H.-L. (2020).Identifying Destination Image of Rural Areas: The Case of Brookings, South Dakota.International Journal of Business and Management, 15 (7), 1-9.DOI:10.5539/ijbm.v15n7p1
  • Durr T, Kampmann J, Hales P, & Browning L. Lessons learned from online PLCs of rural STEM teachers. The Rural Educator, 41(2), 20-26, 2020. 
  • Escalante-Barrios, E. L., Suarez-Enciso, S. M., Raikes, H., Davis, D., Garcia, A. S., Gonen, M, et al. (2020) Child-parent interactions in American and Turkish families: Examining measurement invariance analysis of child-parent relationship scale. PLoS ONE, 15(4), e0230831.
  • Ferley DD, Scholten S, Vukovich MD.  Combined sprint interval, plyometric, and strength training in adolescent soccer players: effect on measures of speed, strength, power, changes of direction and anaerobic capacity.  Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 34(4): 957-968, 2020. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003476.
  • Garcia, A. S. & de Guzman, M. R. T. (2020). The meanings and ways of parental involvement among low-income Filipinos. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 53(4), 343-354.
  • Gebhart K., Kattelmann, K., Wey, H., McCormack, L., Bowne, M., Sltuka, S., & Meendering, J. (2020). Fidelity of implementation of train-the-trainer methodology for delivery of a preschool nutrition and physical activity curriculum. European Journal of Educational Research, 9(4), 1483-1490.
  • Grable, J. E., Heo, W., & Rabbani, A. (2020). Characteristics of random responders in a financial risk tolerance questionnaire. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, (pages are upcoming). doi: 10.1057/s41264-020-00078-6
  • Hasselquist, L. & Graves, N.A. (2020). CTE teacher retention: Lessons learned from mid-career teachers. Career and Technical Education Research, 45(1), 3-15. DOI: 10.5328/cter45.1.3
  • Heo, W., Cho, S. H., & Lee, P. (2020). APR financial stress scale: Development and validation of a multidimensional measurement. Journal of Financial Therapy, 11(1), 1-28.
  • Heo, W., Lee, J. M., & Park, N. (2020). Financial-related psychological factors affect life satisfaction of farmers. Journal of Rural Studies, 80, 185-194. 
  • Heo, W., Lee, J. M., Park, N., & Grable, J. E. (2020). Using artificial neural network techniques to improve the description and prediction of household financial ratios. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 25., doi: 10.1016/j.jbef.2020.100273.
  • Heo, W., Lee, J. M., & Rabbani, A., (2020). Mediation effect of financial education between financial stress and use of financial technology. Journal of Family and Economic Issues doi: 10.1007/s10834-020-09720-w 
  • Heo, W., Grable, J. E., & Rabbani, A. (2020). A test of the association between the initial surge in COVID-19 cases and subsequent changes in financial risk tolerance. Review of Behavioral Finance, (pages are upcoming).doi: 10.1108/RBF-06-2020-0121
  • Heo, W., Park, N., & Park, K. (2020). Classifying students using an expectation-perception survey about a hospitality laboratory class: Empirical research with the finite mixed model. Anatolia An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 31(1), 50-61.
  • Kampmann, J. & Bowne, M. (2020). Utilizing the Sanford Harmony program for children on the autism spectrum. Journal of School Counseling, 18(15).
  • Lavender-Stott, ES. (2020). Single LBQ women of the baby boom planning for later life. Journal of Women & Aging. Advance Online Publication. doi:10.1080/08952841.2020.1806690
  • Leonard, A., Christensen, C., & Hendricks, J. (2020). Needs Based Assessment of Agricultural Pilots in the Upper Midwest. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 7(1).
  • Liu Y, Tooze JA, Zhang Y, Leidy HJ, Bailey RL, Wright B, Ma M, Stluka S, Remley DT, McCormack L, Franzen-Castle L, Henne R, Mehrle D, Eicher-Miller HA. Breakfast consumption is positively associate d with usually nutrient intakes among food pantry clients living in rural communities.  J Nutr. 150(3):546-553, 2020.
  • McElrone M, Colby S, Fouts HN, Spence M, Kavanagh K, Franzen-Castle L, Olfert MD, Kattelmann KK, White AA. Feasibility and Acceptability of Implementing a Culturally Adapted Cooking Curriculum for Burundian and Congolese Refugee Families. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 59(6):598-614, 2020. doi:10.1080/03670244.2020.1759575.
  • Nganga, C., Bowne, M. & Stremmel, A. (2020). Mentoring as a developmental identity process.
  • Mentoring and tutoring: Partnership in learning, 28(3), 259-277.
  • O’Farrell, P.**, Liu, H.-L. (2020). Gateway to outdoors: Partnership and programming of outdoor education centers in urban areas. Education Sciences, 10 (11), 340.
  • Olfert MD, Barr ML, Hagedorn RL, Wattick RA, Zhou W, Horacek TM, Mathews AE, Kattelmann KK, Kidd T, White AA, Brown ON, Morrell JS, Franzen-Castle L, Shelnutt KP, Byrd-Bredbenner C, Tolar-Peterson T, Greene GW, Colby SE. eB4CAST Approach Improves Science Communication With Stakeholders in a College-Based Health Program. Frontiers in Public Health. 8:158. 2020. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00158.
  • Park, H., & Heo, W. (2020). Solving the financial problems of consumers: The social market economy through sustainable finance, Journal of Financial Services Consumers, 10 (3), 69-88
  • Park, N., Lee, J. M., & Heo, W. (2020). Life satisfaction in time orientation. Applied Research in Quality of Life, (pages are upcoming).
  • Perry CA, Van Guilder GP, Kauffman A, Hossain M. A calorie-restricted DASH diet reduces body fat and maintains muscle strength in obese older adults.  Nutrients. 12: 102, 2020. doi:10.3390/nu12010102. PMID: 31905920.
  • Weidauer L, Zwart MB, Clapper J, Albert J, Vukovich MD, Specker BL. Neuromuscular performance changes throughout the menstrual cycle in physically active females.  Journal of Musculoskeletal Neuronal Interactions. 20(3):314-324, 2020.
  • White, P. T., Nepal, M. P., Lemke, M., Browning, L. B., Miller, M. L., & Vestal, S. (2020). Perceptions and usages of online teaching resources by South Dakota science and agriculture teachers. South Dakota Academy of Science, 99, 117-133. 
  • Wright BN, Tooze JA, Bailey RL, Liu Y, Rivera RL, McCormack L, Stluka S, Franzen-Castle L, Henne B, Mehrle D, Remley D, Eicher-Miller HA. Journal of the American Academy of Dietetics. 120(9): 1457-1468, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2020.04.011


  • Liu, H.-L., Meendering, J., McCormack, L., & Dvorak, S. (final revision accepted, 2020). Join the Team: Creating Healthy Rural Communities in South Dakota through Community-based Wellness Coalitions. Inter-professional Collaboration.
  • Tasker, F., & Lavender-Stott, E. S. (2020). Lesbian and gay parenting post-heterosexual divorce and separation. In A. E. Goldberg & K. R. Allen (Eds.), LGBT-Parent Families: Innovations in Research and Implications for Practice (2nd ed., pp. 3-23). Springer.
  • Borr, M., Graves, N.A., & DeBates, D. (2020, July). Technology in the Family and Consumer Sciences classroom. In K. Alexander & A. Holland (Eds.). Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences in the 21st Century. The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences.

(Bolded names are EHS Faculty)

  • Acar, I. H., Veziroglu-Celik, M., Garcia, A. S., Colgrove, A., Raikes, H., Gönen, M., & Encinger, A. The Qualities of Teacher–Child Relationships and Self-Regulation of Children at Risk in the United States and Turkey: The Moderating Role of Gender. Early Childhood Education Journal. 47(1): 75-84, 2019.
  • Betz-Hamilton, A. E., Brooks, L., & O’Neill, B. Savings, investments, emergency funds, and cash flow: Are they related to positive health behaviors? Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 111(3): 31-37, 2019. doi: 10.14307/JFCS111.3.31
  • Bjornestad, A., Brown, L., & Weidauer, L. (2019). The relationship between social support and 
  • depressive symptoms in Midwestern farmers. Journal of Rural Mental Health, 43(4), 109-117.
  • Bradley, M.J., Maples, J.N., Bogard, D., Liu, H.-L., & Sharp, R.L. (2019). Leverage leisure identity of birders in the United States. Alabama Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal, 39(1), 9-21.
  • Christianson J, Kattelmann K, Riggsbee K, Moret L, Vilaro M, Olfert M, Mathews AEW, Barr M, Colby S. Promoting wellness on college campuses: identifying and addressing the wellness needs of college students. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 34(2):125-137, 2019.
  • Dev, D., Burton, A., McBride, B., Edwards, C. P., & Garcia, A. S. (2019). An innovative, cross-disciplinary approach to promoting child health: The Reggio Emilia Approach and the Ecological Approach to Family Style Dining Program, Childhood Education: Innovations, 95(1), 57-63.  DOI: 10.1080/00094056.2019.1565811
  • Ferley DD, Vukovich MD. Predicting the intensity for performing supramaximal incline treadmill interval training in distance runners. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.33(5): 1354-1361, 2019. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000001934
  • Ferley DD, Vukovich MD. Assessing the reliability of using a horizontal leg press equipped with a force plate to report on measures of positive and negative neuromuscular characteristics. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 33(2): 360-371, 2019. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002996
  • Ford AD, Colby SE, McElrone M, Franzen-Castle L, Oldert MD, Kattelmann KK, White AA. Cooking frequency associated with dietary quality in iCook-4H participants at baseline. Nutrition and Metabolic Insights. 12:1-7, 2019. DOI:10.1177/1178638819836790.
  • Garcia, A. S., Takahashi, S., Anderson-Knott, M., & Dev, D. Determinants of physical activity for Latino and White middle school-aged children. Journal of School Health, 89(1), 3-10, 2019.  
  • Grable, J. E., Lyons, A. C., & Heo, W. A Test of traditional and psychometric relative risk tolerance measures on household financial risk taking. Financial Research Letters, 30, 8-13, 2019.
  • Guler Yildiz, T., Gonen, M., Ulker Erdem, A., Garcia, A. S., Raikes, H., Acar, I., Burcak, F., Davis, D. Examining associations between children’s receptive language skills and developmental domains in the United States and Turkey. Journal of Child Language, 1-21, 2019. doi:10.1017/S0305000918000570
  • Hanson AJ, Kattelmann KK, McCormack LA, Zhou W, Brown ON, Horacek TM, Shelnutt KP, Kidd T, Opoku-Acheampong A, Franzen-Castle LD, Olfert MD, Colby SE. Cooking and meal planning as predictors of fruit and vegetable intake and BMI in first-year college students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16:2462, 2019. doi:10.3390/ijerph16142462.
  • Haskell JE, Baker BA, Olfert MD, Colby SE, Franzen-Castle L, Kattelmann KK, White AA. Using the Ripple Effects Maps to identify story threads: a framework to link private to public value. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension. 7(3), 2019.
  • Hasselquist, L., Naughton, M., & Kitchel, T. (2019). Preservice Teachers’ Experiences in a Required Reading in the Content Area Course. Journal of Agricultural Education. 60(2), 140-152. 
  • Horacek TM, Simon M, Yildrim ED, White AA, Shelnutt KP, Riggsbee K, Olfert MD, Morrell JS, Mathers AE, Zhou W, Kidd T, Kattelmann K, Greene G, Franzen-Castle L, Colby S, Byrd-Bredbenner C, Brown O. Development and validation of the policies, opportunities, initiatives and notable topics (POINTS) audit for campuses and worksites. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(5):778, 2019.
  • Horacek TM, Yildirim ED, Schreider MM, Byrd-Bredbenner C, Colby S, White AA, Shelnutt KP, Olfert MD, Mathews AE, Riggsbee K, Franzen-Castle L, Morrell JS, Kattelmann K. Development and validation of the vending evaluation for nutrient-density (vend)ing audit. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(3):514, 2019.
  • Horacek TM, Yildirim ED, Seidman D, Byrd-Bredbenner C, Colby S, White AA, Shelnutt KP, Olfert MD, Mathews AE, Riggsbee K, Franzen-Castle L, Morrell JS, Kattelmann K. Redesign, field-testing, and validation of the physical activity campus environmental supports (PACES) audit. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. Article ID 5819752, 2019.
  • Horacek TM, Yildirim ED, Simon MB, Byrd-Bredbenner C, White AA, Shelnutt KP, Olfert MD, Morrell J, Mathews A, Kidd, Kidd T, Kattelmann K, Franzen-Castle L, Colby S, Brown O. Development and validation of the full restaurant evaluation supporting a healthy (FRESH) dining environment audit. Journal of Hunger Environmental Nutrition. 14(3):381-400, 2019.
  • Inwood S. Becot A, Bjornestad A, Henning-Smith C, Alberth A. Responding to crisis: Fram mental health programs in the extension North central region. Journal of Extension. 57(6rb1), 2019.
  • Jarrott, S.E., Stremmel, A.J., & Naar, J.J. Practice that Transforms Intergenerational Programs: A Model of Theory- and Evidence Informed Principles, Journal of Intergenerational Relationships. 17(4):488.504, 2019. DOI: 10.1080/15350770.2019.1579154
  • Kattelmann K, Meendering JR, Hofer E.J., Merfeld, C., Olfert, M., Hagedorn, R.L., Colby, S., Franzen-Castle, L., Moyer, J., Mathews, D.R., White, A.A. The iCook 4-H Study: Report on physical activity and sedentary time in youth participating in a multicomponent program promoting family cooking, eating, and playing together. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.  51(3S): S30-S40, 2019. PMID:30509553 DOI:
  • Kleine H, McCormack LA, Drooger A, Meendering JR. Barriers to and facilitators of weight management in adults using a meal replacement program that includes health coaching. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health. 10, 2019. PMID:31148506
  • Kolady DE, Kattelmann K, Vukovich C, Scaria J. Effects of health-related claims on millennials’ willingness to pay for probiotics in the U.S.: Implications for regulation. Journal of Functional Foods 60: 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.fff2019.103434.
  • Lee, J. Park, N., & Heo, W.  Importance of subjective financial knowledge and perceived credit score in payday loan use. International Journal of Financial Studies, 7 (3), 53, 2019.
  • Liu, H.-L., Bradley, M. J., Wu, I. C., & Maples, J. N. Resident perceptions of black bear management in south central Kentucky. Natural Resources, 10(7), 271-283, 2019.
  • Liu, H.-L., Mehlhaf, J.** & Gray. J. Public perceptions of parks and recreation services. Journal of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism in Public Health, 3, 17-26, 2019.
  • McCormack LA, Pamarthi S. Perceived weight status, disease risk and weight loss behaviors among young adults. South Dakota Medicine 72(3):102-108, 2019.
  • Meulemans, N., Lim, J., Romsa, B., & Romsa, K. Factors Influencing the College Choice Decisions of Community College Student-Athletes. International Journal of Sport and Physical Education, 5(3), 1-8, 2019.
  • Msoka TF, Van Guilder GP, van Furth M, Smulders Y. Meek SJ, Bartlett JA, Vissoci JRN, van Agtmael MA. The effect of HIV infection, antiretroviral therapy on carotid intima-media thickness: A systematic review and meta-analysis.  Life Science. 235:116851, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2019.116851
  • Olfert MD, Hagedorn RL, Barr ML, Colby SE, Kattelmann KK, Franzen-Castle L, White AA. Dissemination using infographic reports depicting program impact of a community-based research program: eB4CAST in iCook 4-H. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 51(3):s52-s59, 2019. DOI:
  • Olfert MD, King SJ, Hagedorn FL, Barr M, Baker BA, Colby SE, Kattelmann KK, Franzen-Castle L, White AA. Ripple effect mapping outcomes of a childhood obesity prevention program from youth and adult dyads using a qualitative approach: iCook 4-H. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 51(3):S41-S51 2019. DOI:
  • Park, K., Park, N., & Heo, W. An exploratory study of examining students’ expectations of training in a laboratory class: Factor analysis of affective heuristic features. Journal of Education for Business. 94(6), 381-389, 2019.
  • Park, K., Park, N., Heo, W., & Gustafson, K. What makes college students participate in an online survey? International Education Studies. 12(1), 69-79, 2019. 
  • Paull EJ, Van Guilder GP. Remote Ischemic Preconditioning Increases Accumulated Oxygen Deficit in Middle-Distance Runners. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985). 126(5):1193-1203, 2019. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00585.2018.
  • Randall, B. Thompson, P, Wilson, A. Racial Differences Within Subsets of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) with an emphasis on Asphyxia. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 62:52-55, 2019.
  • Remley D, Franzen-Castle L, McCormack LA, Eicher-Miller H. Chronic Health Condition Influences on Client Perceptions of Limited or Non-Choice Food Pantries in Low-Income, Rural Communities. American Journal of Health Behavior. 43(1):105-118, 2016. PMID:30522570
  • Ren, L., Garcia, A. S., Esteraich, J., Encinger, A., Raikes, H., & Acar, I. Parent-child relationships and preschoolers’ social-emotional functioning among low-income families: The moderating role of parental nativity. Infants and Young Children, 32(2), 123-138, 2019. doi: 10.1097/IYC.0000000000000138 
  • Song, I., Park, N., Park, H., & Heo, W. The effect of experiencing a death on life insurance ownership. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 22, 170-176 2019.
  • Upadhyaya B., Liu, Y., Dey, M*. (2019). Phenethyl isothiocyanate exposure promotes Oxidative Stress and Suppresses Sp1 Transcription Factor in Cancer Stem Cells. International Journal Molecular Sciences. 20(5) 1027, 2019. pii: E1027. doi: 10.3390/ijms20051027.
  • White AA, Cobly SE, Franzen-Castle L, Kattelmann KK, Olfert MD, Gould TA, Hagedorn RL, Mathews DR, Moyer J, Wilson K, Yerxa K. The iCook 4-H study: an intervention and dissemination test of a youth/adult out-of-school program. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 51:S2-S20, 2019. DOI:
  • Wilson, A.L. Hemmingson, T.A. & Randall, B.  State of South Dakota’s Child: 2018.  South Dakota Medicine 72, 6-11, 2019.


  • Alampay, L. P. & Garcia, A. S. (2019). Education and parenting in the Philippines. In E. Sorbring & J. Lansford (Eds.). School systems, parent behavior, and academic achievement: An international perspective. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Briddick, W. C., Sensoy-Briddick, H., & Savickas, S. (2019). Innovation meets need:  Career counseling and youth populations in uncertain times. In J. G. Maree (Ed).        Handbook of innovative career counseling (pp. 251-268.). Dordrecht: Springer Publishing.
  • Raikes, H., Esteraich, J., Raikes, A., Encinger, A., Garcia, A. S., Ucus, S., & Escalante, E. (2019). Non-parental caregiving. In Bornstein, M.H., (Ed.) Handbook of Parenting: Volume 3: Being and Becoming a Parent, Third Edition. New York: Taylor and Francis.
  • Romsa, K., Romsa, B., Sackreiter, K., Hanson, J. M., Helling, M. K., Sackreiter, H. (2019). High-Impact Inclusive Learning Organizations: Evidence-Based Strategies in Higher Education. Strategies for Facilitating Inclusive Campuses in Higher Education: International Perspectives on Equity and Inclusion. Bingley: Emerald Publishing.  ISBN: 978-1-78756-065-9
  • Tasker, F., & Lavender-Stott, E. S. (in press). Lesbian and gay parenting post-heterosexual divorce and separation. In A. E. Goldberg & K. R. Allen (Eds.), LGBT-Parent Families: Innovations in Research and Implications for Practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

(Bolded names are EHS Faculty)

  • Acar, I. H., Torquati, J., Garcia, A. S., Ren, L., Raikes, H. Examining the roles of parent-child and teacher-child relationships on behavior regulation of children at risk. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 64(2), 248-274, 2018. 
  • Allen, K. R., Gary, E. A., Lavender-Stott, E. S., & Kaestle, C. E. “I walked in on them”: Young adults’ childhood perceptions of sex and nudity in family and public contexts. Journal of Family Issues, 39, 3804-3831, 2018. doi:10.1177/0192513X18793923 
  • Barr ML, Colby S, Riggsbee K, Leischner K, Mathew AE, Vilaro MJ, Kattelmann KK, Olfert MD. Health behaviors of student community research partners when designing and implementing a healthy lifestyle intervention on college campuses. Behav. Sci. 8:99, 2018.
  • Bowne, M., Wuellner, M., Madsen, L., Meendering, J., & Howard, J. The relative influence of instructor training on student perceptions of online courses and instruction. Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence 2(7), 2018.
  • Bowne, M. Developing a teaching philosophy. The Journal of Effective Teaching 17(3), 59-63, 2018.
  • Bowser BJ, Fellin R, Milner CE, Pohl MB, Davis IS. Reducing Impact Loading in Runners: A One Year Follow-up. Med Sci Sport Exerc. 50(12), 2500-2506, 2018.
  • Bradley, M.J., Maples, J.N., Bradley, C., Liu, H.-L. & Chalkidou, T. Crouch, pause, set: Social identity and leisure levels of female ruggers in Kentucky. Kentucky Health, Physical Education Recreation and Dance Journal, 55(2), 8-16, 2018.
  • Brown, L.E. & Strommen, J. Training younger volunteers to promote technology use among older adults. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 46(3), 297-313, 2018. doi: 10.1111/fcsr.12254
  • Born, S. L., Carotta, C.L., & Ramsay- Seaner, K. E. Exploring Women’s Narratives of Infertility: A Multicase Study. The Qualitative Report, 23(12), 2992-3003, 2018.
  • Chen B, Kattelmann K, Daniels A, Zies S, Lindshield E, Kidd T. Rural adolescents’ barriers and facilitators to physical activity. Health Behav Policy Rev. 5(3):36-49, 2018.
  • Cover R, Roiger T, and Zwart MB. (2018) The Lived Experiences of Retired Collegiate Athletes with a History of 1 or More Concussions. Journal of Athletic Training: 53(7): 646-656, 2018.
  • Dev, D., Williams, N., Iruka, I., Garcia, A. S., Guo, Y., Patwardhan, I., …, Sedani, A. Improving nutrition practices and screen time environment through self-assessment in Nebraska family childcare homes. Public Health Nutrition, 21(13), 2351-2359, 2018.
  • Eggert E, Overby H, McCormack LA, Meendering J. Use of a model wellness policy does not increase the strength and comprehensiveness of written school wellness policies. Journal of School Health. 88:516-523, 2018. PMID:29864208
  • Franzen-Castle L, Colby S, Kattelmann KK, Olfert MD, Mathews DR, Yerxa K, Baker B, Krehbiel M, Lehrke T, Wilson K, Flanagan SM, Ford A, Aguirre T, White AA. Development of the iCook 4-H curriculum for youth and adults: cooking, eating, and playing together for childhood obesity prevention.  Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.51:S60-S68, 2019.
  • Garcia, A. S., Dev, D., Stage, V. (2018). Predictors of parent engagement for child nutrition in home-based and center-based child care settings. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 50(9), 905-912, 2018.
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