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student working with children in Fishback ECE Center

Our faculty don't just work with college students

They work with local schools, through in-service training presentations, new teacher mentoring and workshops, where they provide assistance and support. In an effort to address the shortage of middle and secondary school teachers in science and mathematics, our faculty are putting in extensive efforts to enhance the number of students enrolling in these educational fields.

Our faculty in health and wellness related areas provide nutritional information to young people in organizations such as 4-H. They obtain funding to install playgrounds for children in low-income communities. As part of our Horizons project, they make community development and sustainability of small towns and communities a central theme. Meanwhile, our Family Resource Network provides a wide range of training and service support for day care providers in the northeast section of the state, while our college works together with the SDSU Extension to fund and coordinate community training and service projects.

Most of our faculty members are also members of one or more professional organizations, where they provide service and leadership at the regional or national level.

The College of Education and Human Sciences doesn't stop with undergraduate and graduate students. Through the dedication of its faculty and staff, the college reaches out to a broad range of people across the state and region.