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Outreach and Research Partners

Outreach and Research partners

The faculty and staff are connected to the local, state and region through outreach services and research opportunities. Organizations that partner with our department to offer outreach and technical assistance or research opportunities are:

South Dakota Local Transportation Assistance Program (SDLTAP)

The SDLTAP translates the latest technology in the areas of highways and bridges into understandable terms for local government entities throughout the state of South Dakota. The SDLTAP also conducts seminars on various road/street maintenance topics as well as equipment and operator safety.

Mountain Plains Consortium

South Dakota State University is a member of the Mountain-Plains Consortium (MPC) is one of 10 competitively selected regional University Transportation Centers Programs sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

MPC is a national resource and focal point for the support of research and training concerning the transportation infrastructure and the movement of passengers and freight. The program aims to attract the nation's best talent to the study of transportation and to develop new strategies and concepts to effectively address transportation issues.

Water and Environmental Engineering Research Center

The Water and Environmental Engineering Research Center (WEERC) is located in the Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering at SDSU. WEERC conducts research, education and outreach activities through principal investigators who are faculty members in the Engineering College. WEERC projects are funded by governmental agencies, cities and industry, and are focused on engineering solutions to water resources and environmental problems. These projects often involve collaboration with other SDSU departments or off-campus units.

WEERC also maintains a water and wastewater analytical laboratory in Crothers Engineering Hall in conjunction with the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. The laboratory supports research projects, environmental engineering courses and outreach/service activities.

TriDurLE Transportation Center

The National Center for Transportation Infrastructure Durability and Life-Extension (TriDurLE) was established in 2019 as one of the seven national centers funded by the University Transportation Center (UTC) program of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). The partnerships underlying this national UTC is based on the shared vision of “cost-effective innovations and holistic solutions to enhance multimodal infrastructure durability.”

The research activities of TriDurLE are grouped into six interrelated thrust areas specific to transportation infrastructure:

  1. Asset management and performance management for enhanced durability and life extension.
  2. Condition monitoring, remote sensing and the use of GPS for enhanced durability and life extension.
  3. Addressing corrosion.
  4. Addressing aging and other material-related durability distresses through the use of new materials, technologies and construction methodologies.
  5. Addressing natural hazards and extreme events that threaten the durability and service life.
  6. Intervention and rehabilitation through advanced materials, technologies and construction methodologies.