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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

South Dakota State University's definition of SoTL:

The scholarship of teaching and learning is the systematic inquiry of teaching and learning where results are critically reviewed and made public.


  • Clearly state the teaching/learning issue or problem.
  • Include a relevant literature review (and theory).
  • Use appropriate methodology.
  • Comply with the Institutional Review Board.
  • Be made public throughout professional presentation, publications and other peer reviewed outlets.


  • Examination of teaching and learning strategies in pharmacology courses for nursing students.
  • Promoting reflective practice with pre-service teachers through a model of dialogue and conversation.
  • Translation, teaching and service-learning: Assessing translator-aided international interactive and applied learning models.

Scholarly Teaching vs. SoTL

Scholarly teaching involves taking a scholarly approach to teaching and is closely linked to reflective practices (Brookfield, 1996). Scholarly Teachers reflect on their teaching, try new things, and read and apply the literature on teaching and learning in their discipline.

What SoTL is NOT

  • Revising course syllabus.
  • Redesigning a course to integrate the use of technology.
  • Participating n a teaching workshop or conference.
  • Learning a new teaching approach and using it in the classroom or online.
  • Teaching a course using D2L or other online course delivery or management software.