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Student Leadership Opportunities and Initiatives

There are a number of ways you can grow your leadership skills in the Fishback Honors College. 

Dean's Student Advisory Council (DSAC)

The Dean's Student Advisory Council is comprised of Honors students from each academic college. This group of students is responsible for advising the Dean on matters relevant to Honors students and implementing programs and initiatives that support student success.

If you are interested in serving on DSAC Email Dr. Rebecca Bott Knutson

Teaching Assistants (TAs)

The Honors College employs several students each year to serve as Teaching Assistants (TAs) in the Honors Orientation (HON 100) courses and other introductory Honors courses. This is a tremendous opportunity for students to make connections with fellow Honors students and gain leadership skills. Students also have the opportunity to receive upper-division Honors credit for serving as a TA.

If you are interested in serving as an Honors TA Email Hanna Holmquist

Peer Mentoring Program

Honors students are invited to serve as peer mentors for the incoming class of new students each fall. Students who volunteer as mentors are paired with an incoming Honors student--often based on major or interests--and meet once a month throughout the fall semester. Mentors serve as resources for the incoming students and answer questions about both Honors and the broader university experience. Contact the Honors office in late spring for information on the Peer Mentoring program. 


Student Recruitment Team 

The Student Recruitment Team is an initiative that allows current Honors students to assist with Admissions visits with prospective students and their families. Members of the recruitment team also participate in events such as Honors Visit Day, Senior Day and Jackrabbit Receptions. This effort gives prospective students a better idea of what it is really like to be an Honors student at SDSU and allows current Honors students to gain communication skills and experience.

To join the Student Recruitment Team Email Hanna Holmquist 


Learning and experiencing leadership is a critical component of an Honors education. The Van D. and Barbara B. Fishback Honors College helps to coordinate the LeadState program, a leadership development program for college sophomores focused on strengths-based leadership, service and the social change model for leadership development. Fifty to sixty new students take part in LeadState each semester.
LeadState Program