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Committee Applications

"The 18 student members of the 2019 Hobo Day Committee walk through Hobo Day Parade"
The 2019 Hobo Day Committee, photo credit: SDSU

Apply to be on the Hobo Day Committee!

The Hobo Day Committee is made up of 18 students that plan all aspects of Hobo Day. From the tagline to the fine details with each event and even putting out the barricades on parade morning, the homecoming celebration is a student planned and operated program.

Committee Selections

The selection of the new Hobo Day Committee starts early each spring semester of the new year. The committee is typically selected and in place by the end of February. The selection process consists of an application and two part interview. In the interviews you get to visit with the current and outgoing Grand Poobas and past/current committee members. Do not let the process sound daunting! It's quite easy. The experience is designed to help bring out your personal skills and professional interests while also showcasing your passion for South Dakota State and its beloved traditions.

Who makes up the Committee?

That's a great question. The Committee structure is made up of three teams - Events, Marketing, and Parade. Each year the Committee's exact roles and the number of coordinators on each team may flex and adapt to meet the needs of the upcoming celebration. Below is a list of the roles and responsibilities of each coordinator, team and Pooba.

ALL Committee Members are expected to:

  • Attend Committee weekly meetings, team meetings and one-on-ones with team leaders.
  • Attend both the Spring and Fall Retreats.
  • Be present and be able to assist during Hobo Week and Hobo Day. (Labs and classes are permissible absences during Hobo Week.)
  • Be an enrolled student at SDSU and adhere to the bylaws and rules as outlined in the Hobo Day Committee constitution and SDSU Student Organization Policies and Procedures Manual.

Events Team 

Position Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for planning and executing an event for Hobo Week.
  • Oversee registration processes for host home participants and student participants.
  • Develop distribution plan for host home sign delivery.
  • Maintain records on past participants and signage inventory.
  • Work with apparel and merchandise coordinator on ordering annual host home gifts and signage as needed.
  • Track and manage budget for event with assistant pooba, grand pooba and advisor.

Team Responsibilities

  • Be encouraged to think outside the box to bring new ideas or innovation to their events.
  • Complete all event forms required by the University and its entities for booking and securing event space and technological / AV needs.
  • Work with fellow Committee members on the marketing team to develop and execute a comprehensive marketing plan for their Hobo Week event.
  • Assist their Parade Team counterparts on the morning of the Parade.

Position Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for planning and executing an event for Hobo Week.
  • Work with apparel and merchandise coordinator on arranging prizes and giveaways as needed.
  • Coordinate community cardboard collection with Student Entries coordinator.
  • Collaborate with Goodwill of Brookings on partnership for Bum-Over event.
  • Collect and count sales from clothing and reconcile with Advisor following the event.
  • Track and manage budget for event with assistant pooba, grand pooba and advisor.

Team Responsibilities

  • Be encouraged to think outside the box to bring new ideas or innovation to their events.
  • Complete all event forms required by the University and its entities for booking and securing event space and technological / AV needs.
  • Work with fellow committee members on the marketing team to develop and execute a comprehensive marketing plan for their Hobo Week event.
  • Assist their parade team counterparts on the morning of the parade. 

Position Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for planning and executing an event for Hobo Week.
  • Work with apparel and merchandise coordinator on ordering shirts and buttons for participants.
  • Track and manage budget for event with assistant pooba, grand pooba and advisor.
  • Oversee registration and check-in processes for participants in the clubs.

Team Responsibilities

  • Be encouraged to think outside the box to bring new ideas or innovation to their events.
  • Complete all event forms required by the university and its entities for booking and securing event space and technological / AV needs.
  • Work with fellow Committee members on the marketing team to develop and execute a comprehensive marketing plan for their Hobo Week event.
  • Assist their parade team counterparts on the morning of the parade. 

Position Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for planning and executing an event for Hobo Week.
  • Work with Brookings Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Brookings for collaboration with event, equipment needed and potential musical acts.
  • Coordinate contract process for musical act with advisor and assistant director for student activities.
  • Contact student organizations and local business/food trucks for vendor booths at event.
  • Work with apparel and merchandise coordinator on arranging prizes and giveaways for event.
  • Track and manage budget for event with assistant pooba, grand pooba and advisor.

Team Responsibilities

  • Be encouraged to think outside the box to bring new ideas or innovation to their events.
  • Complete all event forms required by the university and its entities for booking and securing event space and technological / AV needs.
  • Work with fellow Committee members on the marketing team to develop and execute a comprehensive marketing plan for their Hobo Week event.
  • Assist their parade team counterparts on the morning of the parade. 

Position Responsibilities

  • Serve on Steering Committee and attend frequent meetings.
  • Complete training directed by grand pooba and advisor on purchasing policies and procedures for the committee and South Dakota State University Finance Department.
  • Track and manage budget for all events with the grand pooba and advisor. 
  • Assist the parade assistant on Hobo Day morning.
  • Complete other projects and duties as assigned by the grand pooba and/or advisor.

Team Responsibilities

  • Organize and execute frequent event team meetings each semester.
  • Arrange periodic one-on-one meetings with each event coordinator.
  • Be encouraged to think outside the box to bring new ideas or innovation to Hobo Week events.
  • Plan training for events team to review the processes and procedures for completing event forms required by the university and its entities for booking and securing event space and technological / AV needs.
  • Work with fellow committee members on the marketing team to develop and execute a comprehensive marketing plan for their Hobo Week event. 

Parade Team 

Position Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for announcing and collecting registration for all bands participating in the Hobo Day parade.
  • Communicate frequently with participating entries and share information regarding parade morning check-in, traffic routes, and parking information.
  • Coordinate with the parade assistant, athletics and parking services for coordination of the bands staging area.
  • Work with the advisor on arranging participation plaques for each band from the President’s Office.
  • Work with parade assistant on felt banner awards for winning groups.
  • Arrange judges for bands competition of the parade and work with advisor to ensure payment for judges.
  • Solicit donations from Walmart and Hy-Vee for water for participating bands.
  • Oversee operation and safety of bands staging area on parade morning.
  • Organize the Bum Band and their practices and appearances.

Team Responsibilities

  • Meet with assigned SDSU professional staff members for staging area plans and parade morning expectations.
  • Recruit volunteers to assist with the bands staging area.
  • Assist their event team counterparts during Hobo Week. 

Position Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for announcing and collecting registration for all community entries participating in the Hobo Day parade.
  • Communicate frequently with participating entries and share information regarding parade morning check-in, traffic routes and parking information.
  • Coordinate with the parade assistant, residential life and parking services for coordination of the community entries staging area.
  • Collaborate with the student entries coordinator for animal entries and the entry point for those groups onto the parade route.
  • Coordinate child drop-off zone with security and transportation coordinators and volunteers.
  • Oversee operation and safety of community entries staging area on parade morning.

Team Responsibilities

  • Meet with assigned SDSU professional staff members for staging area plans and parade morning expectations.
  • Recruit volunteers to assist with the bands staging area.
  • Assist their event team counterparts during Hobo Week. 

Position Responsibilities

  • Determine list of invited dignitaries with parade assistant and grand pooba.
  • Be responsible for announcing and collecting registration for all invited dignitaries participating in the Hobo Day parade.
  • Communicate frequently with participating entries and share information regarding parade morning check-in, traffic routes and parking information.
  • Coordinate with the parade assistant, President’s Office, Agricultural Heritage Museum for coordination of the two dignitaries staging area.
  • Collaborate with the transportation coordinator on assigning vehicles to each dignitary.
  • Work with the President’s Office and Alumni Association for any information regarding dignitaries and the check-in process.
  • Oversee operation and safety of dignitaries staging areas on parade morning.

Team Responsibilities

  • Meet with assigned SDSU professional staff members for staging area plans and parade morning expectations.
  • Recruit volunteers to assist with the bands staging area.
  • Assist their event team counterparts during Hobo Week. 

Position Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for the placing and collecting of all barricades along the campus portion of the parade route and staging area.
  • Communicate frequently with team members on staging plans and barricade points around the staging area and parade route. 
  • Coordinate with the parade assistant, athletics game day operations, Brookings Police Department and University Police Department for the traffic and people coordinator around the parade route.
  • Oversee operation and safety of the entire parade route on Hobo Day.

Team Responsibilities

  • Meet with assigned SDSU professional staff members for staging area plans and parade morning expectations.
  • Recruit volunteers to assist with the bands staging area.
  • Assist their event team counterparts during Hobo Week. 

Position Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for announcing and collecting registration for all student entries participating in the Hobo Day parade.
  • Oversee and manage the Fantastic Floats grant program with the parade assistant and advisor.
  • Communicate frequently with participating entries and share information regarding parade morning check-in, traffic routes and parking information.
  • Coordinate with the parade assistant, the Animal Science Department and parking services for coordination of the student entries staging area.
  • Collaborate with the community entries coordinator for animal entries and the entry point for those groups onto the parade route.
  • Oversee operation and safety of student entries staging area on parade morning.

Team Responsibilities

  • Meet with assigned SDSU professional staff members for staging area plans and parade morning expectations.
  • Recruit volunteers to assist with the bands staging area.
  • Assist their event team counterparts during Hobo Week. 

Position Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for coordinating all transportation needed for the Committee and invited dignitaries on parade morning.
  • Work with Facilities and Services on arranging golf carts for Hobo Week and coordinate the training necessary for those driving.
  • Arrange additional golf carts for parade morning through a golf cart vendor.
  • Work with SDSU’s Motor Pool on use of fleet vehicles and parking information for those vehicles.
  • Collaborate with the dignitaries coordinator on assigning vehicles to each dignitary.
  • Contact and collect information on community members willing to drive their custom/classic cars in the Hobo Day parade. (Including the parade grand marshal car)
  • Work with local Brookings auto dealers for vehicles to use in the Hobo Day parade.
  • Complete all paperwork and collect drivers’ information for necessary forms.
  • Oversee operation and safety of transportation staging areas on parade morning.

Team Responsibilities

  • Meet with assigned SDSU professional staff members for staging area plans and parade morning expectations.
  • Recruit volunteers to assist with the bands staging area.
  • Assist their event team counterparts during Hobo Week. 

Position Responsibilities

  • Serve on steering committee and attend frequent meetings.
  • Complete training directed by grand pooba and advisor on purchasing policies and procedures for the committee and South Dakota State University Finance Department.
  • Coordinate with campus entities each year for traffic and people control around the Hobo Day parade route and staging areas.
  • Initiate the start of the parade on Hobo Day.
  • Confirm usual participants in the Hobo Day parade each year, like the Pride of the Dakotas marching band, SDSU joint color guard, student athletes and the Bummobile.
  • Arrange the order of the parade entries in coordination with the grand pooba and advisor.
  • Oversee the coordination of the parade livestream, announcing stations and announcers.
  • Track and manage budget for the parade with the grand pooba and advisor. 
  • Complete other projects and duties as assigned by the grand pooba and/or advisor.

Team Responsibilities

  • Organize and execute event frequent team meetings each semester.
  • Arrange periodic one-on-one meetings with each parade coordinator.
  • Plan training for parade team to review the processes and procedures for parade morning and safety.
  • Work with fellow committee members on the marketing team to develop and execute a comprehensive marketing plan for the Parade. 

Marketing Team

Position Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for coordinating and collaborating with fellow team members on all Hobo Day giveaways (via social media, events, parades, etc.).
  • Be responsible for serving as committee liaison with University Bookstore on the Hobo Shoppe and Hobo Day apparel. Coordinator will also share ideas for merchandise and promotion.
  • Oversee the ordering and purchase of event merchandise, parade giveaways and other promotional items.
  • Keep an active list of acceptable vendors in accordance with SDSU University Marketing and Communications records and guidance.
  • Communicate with vendors, members, the bookstore and other entities on a professional level in a timely manner.
  • Track and report all apparel and merchandise purchases and inventory levels to marketing assistant, grand pooba and advisor.
  • Complete training directed by grand pooba and advisor on purchasing policies and procedures for the committee and South Dakota State University Finance Department.

Team Responsibilities

  • Be encouraged to think outside the box to bring new ideas or innovation to the Hobo Day brand and marketing plan.
  • Work with fellow committee members on the marketing team to develop and execute a comprehensive marketing plan for Hobo Week events and any parade messaging.
  • Work with fellow team members and provide frequent updates on marketing requests received from committee members.
  • Complete training directed by marketing assistant and advisor for use of Hobo Day trademarks and how to represent the Hobo Day brand.
  • Assist their parade team counterparts on the morning of the parade. 

Position Responsibilities

  • Serve as a spokesperson for the Hobo Day program in approved capacities.
  • Be responsible for facilitating and recruitment of the Bumbassador program.
  • Organize classroom visits for the fall and develop presentation with input from marketing team.
  • Coordinate with campus partners for the marketing strategy of yearly Hobo Week/Day celebration and opportunities throughout the entire calendar year.

Team Responsibilities

  • Be encouraged to think outside the box to bring new ideas or innovation to the Hobo Day brand and marketing plan.
  • Work with fellow committee members on the marketing team to develop and execute a comprehensive marketing plan for Hobo Week events and any parade messaging.
  • Work with fellow team members and provide frequent updates on marketing requests received from committee members.
  • Complete training directed by marketing assistant and advisor for use of Hobo Day trademarks and how to represent the Hobo Day brand.
  • Assist their parade team counterparts on the morning of the parade. 

Position Responsibilities

  • Serve as a spokesperson for the Hobo Day program in approved capacities.
  • Coordinate with community partners for the marketing strategy of yearly Hobo Week/Day celebration and opportunities throughout the entire calendar year.
  • Organize and oversee the Paint the Town event.
  • Coordinate community clean-up efforts following Hobo Day with SDSU student organizations (UPC) and community organizations.
  • Track and report all media appearances to marketing assistant and advisor.

Team Responsibilities

  • Be encouraged to think outside the box to bring new ideas or innovation to the Hobo Day brand and marketing plan.
  • Work with fellow committee members on the marketing team to develop and execute a comprehensive marketing plan for Hobo Week events and any parade messaging.
  • Work with fellow team members and provide frequent updates on marketing requests received from committee members.
  • Complete training directed by marketing assistant and advisor for use of Hobo Day trademarks and how to represent the Hobo Day brand.
  • Assist their parade team counterparts on the morning of the Parade. 

Position Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for planning and posting on all official Hobo Day social media accounts.
  • Be responsible for the creation of appealing graphics and content for Hobo Day social media accounts.
  • Coordinate with campus partners for the marketing strategy of yearly Hobo Week/Day celebration.
  • Coordinate marketing giveaways with apparel and merchandise coordinator on social media accounts.

Team Responsibilities

  • Be encouraged to think outside the box to bring new ideas or innovation to the Hobo Day brand and marketing plan.
  • Work with fellow committee members on the marketing team to develop and execute a comprehensive marketing plan for Hobo Week events and any parade messaging.
  • Work with fellow team members and provide frequent updates on marketing requests received from committee members.
  • Complete training directed by marketing assistant and advisor for use of Hobo Day trademarks and how to represent the Hobo Day brand.
  • Assist their parade team counterparts on the morning of the parade. 

Position Responsibilities

  • Serve as a spokesperson for the Hobo Day program in approved capacities.
  • Serve on steering committee and attend frequent meetings.
  • Complete training directed by grand pooba and advisor on purchasing policies and procedures for the committee and South Dakota State University Finance Department.
  • Complete training directed by University Marketing and Communications and advisor on use of the Hobo Day trademarks and how to represent the Hobo Day brand.
  • Coordinate with campus partners for the marketing strategy of yearly Hobo Week/Day celebration.
  • Proof and approve all Hobo Day graphics and media buys.
  • Track and manage budget for marketing with the grand pooba and advisor. 
  • Complete other projects and duties as assigned by the grand pooba and/or advisor.

Team Responsibilities

  • Organize and execute event frequent team meetings each semester.
  • Arrange periodic one-on-one meetings with each marketing coordinator.
  • Plan training for marketing team to review the processes and procedures for the use of Hobo Day trademarks and with the university.
  • Work with fellow committee members on the marketing team to develop and execute a comprehensive marketing plan for all of Hobo Day.
  • Work with fellow team members and provide frequent updates on marketing requests received from committee members.