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Architecture Program Policies

Departmental Policies

In addition to departmental by-laws, these policies provide a framework for additional student and faculty resources. They are established recognizing the existing mechanisms in place by SDSU, the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and the School of Design. 

Information Resources Collection Development Policy

Section 1: Responsibilities

With the recent donation of architectural resources made by John Cava, Architecture is building a healthy collection of architectural books, periodicals and databases in Hilton M. Briggs Library. However, this collection must be regularly updated in order to ensure the department remains current in their resources. Therefore, it is the primary responsibility of the Architecture Library Representative to act as the liaison between Architecture and Hilton M. Briggs Library in order to ensure the collection is up to date. Additionally, the Library Representative’s responsibilities include the following:

  • To find a home for the second and third copies of resources acquired from the John Cava Collection.
  • To compile a list of additional resources for Hilton M. Briggs Library. This is based upon suggestions made by the faculty, the collections of other architecture schools, recent publications, as well as resources found on Amazon, Ebay, etc. Recommendations are also welcomed by other architects.
  • To coordinate all purchases for Hilton M. Briggs Library as well as resources for course review.

Section 2: Procedures

2.1 Books

  • Email the title, author’s name and copyright of the book you wish to purchase to the Library Representative. If the book is a priority for a course, be sure to inform the representative of its priority in the email. If you have an ISBN number or web link, even better.
  • Each request will be documented and categorized according to Title, Author, Copyright, Course Priority, Price and Description.
  • Books requested by faculty that the faculty want to review for use in teaching, service or research will be purchased through our Architecture Program Office. Books requested for the shelves of the library will be purchased directly by the library, as will all periodicals.

2.2 Periodicals

  • Core Periodicals must be added to Hilton M. Briggs Library. The Library Representative will compile an active list of periodicals to be purchased by the library.
  • Core periodicals may be found via the Association of Architecture School Librarians. The Library Representative will further prioritize this list based on content, price and digital access. Initial properties include: 306090, A + U (Architecture and Urbanism), AA Files, Architect, Architectural Record, Architectural Review, Canadian Architect, El Croquis, Detail (Munich), Harvard Design Magazine, ID (International Design), Journal of Architectural Education (JAE), Log, Metropolis, Perspecta, Places, Praxis: Journal of Writing and Building.

2.3 Databases

The EBSCO trial for "Art and Architecture Complete" as well as the "Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals" was active through October 2012.

2.4 Meetings with Hilton M. Briggs Library

The Library Representative will schedule meetings twice per month with the Briggs Architectural Librarian. The initial meeting will pertain to budget as well as the approval process for purchasing materials.

2.5 Meetings with Architecture Faculty

Each month, the Library Representative will inform the Architecture staff of resources to be purchased for that month. Architecture Faculty will be informed of progress via regular Faculty Meetings.