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Xiaoyang Zhang Lab Projects


Characterizing and monitoring changing fire regimes and the risk of extreme wildfire events in the United States using biophysical models and satellite observations

  • The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 10/2023-9/2026
  • PI at SDSU: X. Zhang, Project PI: M. Cochrane (UMD Appalachian Laboratory)

Developing an enhanced geospatial tool for operationally monitoring crop-specific crop progress and growth condition in near real time from Geostationary Satellite Observations and Harmonized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series

  • U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 09/01/2023-08/31/2027
  • PI: X. Zhang (SDSU), CoIs: H. Zhang (SDSU), M. Maimaitijiang (SDSU), Z. Yang (USDA)

Detection of Species-specific Plant Phenology from PlanetScope Time Series for Rangeland Management of the Western United States

  • The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),10/01/2023-09/01/2025
  • PI: X. Zhang (SDSU), CoIs: Y. Liu (SDSU), S. Boyte (USGS), G. Xian (USGS)

This proposal focuses on the detection of species-specific plant phenology from PlanetScope time series for rangeland management in the western United States. Rangelands in the United States (US) accounts for approximately 31% of the total land areas, which occur mostly in the western region. However, due to low vegetation signal-to-noise ratios, sparse vegetation cover with high soil background effects, high spatial heterogeneity in local areas, and irregular growing seasons, the detection of Land Surface Phenology (LSP) has been impeded in arid and semiarid rangelands from moderate or coarse satellite pixels. Thus, it is indeed urgently needed to develop an algorithm to accurately detect species-specific phenology in rangelands. This goal can be reached by leveraging PlanetScope observations at ~3 m pixels, which provide unprecedented opportunities for calculating species-specific phenology.

  1. Characterizing and monitoring changing fire regimes and the risk of extreme wildfire events in the United States using biophysical models and satellite observations.
    • NASA, 10/2023-9/2026, $297,156, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU), Project PI: Mark Cochrane (UMD Appalachian Laboratory)
  2. Developing an enhanced geospatial tool for operationally monitoring crop-specific crop progress and growth condition in near real time from Geostationary Satellite Observations and Harmonized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series. 
    • USDA, 09/01/2023-08/31/2027, $759,272, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU), CoIs: H. Zhang (SDSU), M. Maimaitijiang (SDSU), Z. Yang (USDA)
  3. Detection of Species-specific Plant Phenology from PlanetScope Time Series for Rangeland Management of the Western United States
    • NASA, 10/01/2023-09/01/2025, $299,651, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU), CoIs: Y. Liu (SDSU), Stephen Boyte (USGS), G. Xian (USGS)
  4. Expansion of RAVE Algorithm for Hourly Biomass Burning Emissions Estimation in Asia and Europe for Air Quality Forecast Applications
    • NOAA, 09/01/2023-08/31/2025, $250,000, PI: F. Li (SDSU), CoI: X. Zhang (SDSU)
  5. AI-powered near real-time crop damage detection using satellite remote sensing.
    • NASA EPSCoR, 09/2022-08/2024, $75,000, PI: M. Maimaitijiang (SDSU), CoIs: D. Zeng (DSU), X. Zhang (SDSU)
  6. Enhancement of RAVE emissions algorithm and transition to operations.
    • NOAA, 10/2022-6/2024, $235,405, PI: F. Li (SDSU), CoI: X. Zhang (SDSU)
  7. Fire Emissions Reprocessing Activities.
    • NOAA, 10/2022-6/2024, $188,324, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU), CoI: F. Li (SDSU).
  8. Maintenance, Evolution, and Validation of the Global Land Surface Phenology Product from Suomi NPP and JPSS VIIRS Observations.
    • NASA, 09/2021-08/2024, $664,845, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU), CoIs: G. Henebry (SDSU)
  9. Investigation Of Planetscope Time Series Observations for Detecting Land Surface Phenology In The Semiarid Western United States.
    • NASA, 01/2022 - 07/2024, $198,495, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU)
  10. Development of Near Real-Time Land Surface Phenology Product by Fusing Geostationary Satellite and VIIRS Observations in Support of Agriculture and Land Management. 
    • NASA, 08/2020-07/2023, $521,777, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU), CoIs: G. Gray (NCSU) and H. Zhang (SDSU)
  11. Developing a new geospatial tool for USDA NASS monitoring of near real time crop progress and condition by fusing observations from both polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites.
    • USDA, 06/2019-5/2024, $474K, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU), CoIs: E. Byamukama (SDSU), Z. Yang (USDA).
  12. Global Biomass Burning Emissions Product Maintenance and Refinement – from VIIRS I-Band Fire Detections. 
    • NOAA, 08/20221-3/2024, $155,870, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU)
  13.  Reprocess of Global Biomass Burning Emissions Product in Support of Air Quality and Smoke Predictions.
    • NOAA, 08/01/2021-09/30/2023, $97,418, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU)
  1. WF-3 Development and readiness of satellite products for fire and smoke forecasting -- A Unified Multi-Scale Biomass Burning Emissions Product.
    • NOAA, 05/2020-04/2023, $310,000, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU)
  2. Effectiveness and monitoring of large-scale carbon-loss mitigation activities in Indonesia’s peatlands.
    • NASA, 01/2020-12/2022, $1,442,946, PI at SDSU: X. Zhang, Project PI: Mark A. Cochrane (UMCES), other Co-I: Keith Eshleman.
  3. Global Biomass Burning Emissions Product Maintenance and Refinement –Migrating to Cloud System.
    • NOAA, 08/20221-3/2023, $41,667, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU)
  4. Near real-time wildfire smoke detection and monitoring from satellite imagery using artificial intelligence.
    • South Dakota NASA EPSCoR RIG Program, 10/2020 –9/2022, $75,000, PI at SDSU: X. Zhang, Project PI: Shankarachary Ragi (South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
  5. Global Biomass Burning Emissions Product -Maintenance and Refinement.
    • NOAA, 08/2020-07/2021, $35,203, PI at SDSU: X. Zhang (SDSU).
  6. Maintenance and Refinement of a Global Land Surface Phenology Product from NPP VIIRS for EOS-MODIS Continuity.
    • NASA, 04/2018-03/2021, $692K, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU), CoIs: G. Henebry (SDSU) and L. Liu (SDSU).
  7. Filling A Critical Gap in Indonesia's National Carbon Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Capabilities for Supporting REDD+ Activities: Incorporating, Quantifying and Locating Fire Emissions from Within Tropical Peat-Swamp Forests.
    • NASA, 07/2017-12/2020, $1,497K, PI at SDSU: X. Zhang, Project PI: Mark Cochrane (UMD Appalachian Laboratory).
  8. Global Biomass Burning Emissions (GBBEP) Product and JPSS-1 Blended Biomass Burning.
    • NOAA, 07/01/2016-06/30/2020, $230K. PI: X. Zhang (SDSU).
  9. Investigation of GOES-16 Active Wildfire Detections and FRP Measurement for Estimating Biomass Burning Emissions.
    • NOAA/IMSG, 12/1/2018-9/30/2019, $95K, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU).
  10. A Multi-Scale Satellite-Based Indicator of Climate Change Impacts on Land-Surface Phenology.
    • NASA, 07/2016-06/2019, $434K, PI at SDSU: X. Zhang, Project PI: J. Gray (NCSU), NASA.
  11. Development and Validation of a Global Land Surface Phenology Product from NPP VIIRS for EOS-MODIS Continuity.
    • NASA, 11/2014-12/2018, $685K, PI: X. Zhang (SDSU), CoIs: G. Henebry (SDSU) and M.A. Friedl (BU).
  12. Global Biomass Burning Emissions (GBBEP) Product (BG-133E-15-SE-1613).
    • NOAA, 09/11/2015-03/31/2017, $80K. PI: X. Zhang (SDSU).
  13. Suomi NPP VIIRS BRDF/Albedo/NBAR Products to Extend the Long Term Consistent MODIS Standard Data Record.
    • NASA, 08/2014-07/2017, $592K, PI at SDSU: X. Zhang, Project PI: C.B. Schaaf (UMass-Boston).
  14. Monitoring land surface vegetation phenology from VIIRS. NOAA JPSS Risk Reduction Programs.
    • 07/2013-06/2016, $380K, PI at SDSU: X. Zhang, Project Administrative PI at NOAA: Y. Yu.
  15. Real-Time Monitoring and Short-term Forecasting of Phenology from GOES-R ABI for the Use in Numerical Weather Prediction Models.
    • NOAA, 07/2014-06/2017, $346K, PI at SDSU: X. Zhang (SDSU), Project Administrative PI at NOAA: Y. Yu.
  16. Change in our MIDST: Detection and Analysis of Land Surface Dynamics in North and South America Using Multiple Sensor Data streams.
    • NASA, 07/01/2014-06/30/2018, $1.1M, G. Henebry (PI), X. Zhang (Co-I), K. M. de Beurs (Co-I).
  17. Develop Near Real Time Biomass Burning Emissions Product Covering the Whole Globe from Polar and Geostationary Satellites for NEMS-GFS-GOCART.
    • NASA-NOAA Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation, 08/2011-6/2014, $610K, PI at SDSU: X. Zhang, Project Administrative PI at NOAA: S. Kondragunta.
  18. Vegetation phenology and enhanced vegetation index products from multiple long term satellite data records.
    • NASA, 08/01/08-07/31/13, $3,441,131, PI at ERT/NOAA: X. Zhang, Project PI: K. Didan (UA).
  19. Biomass Burning Emissions Product from GOES-R ABI.
    • NOAA Contract No. /Task No. DG133R-07-NC-1616, Mod 12/8407-003, 8/2011-7/2012, $53,000, X. Zhang (task leader), S. Kondragunta (task monitor).
  20. Global Biomass Burning Emissions Product (GBBEP) from a Constellation of Geostationary Satellites for Operational Use in NWS/NCEP GFS-GOCART.
    • NOAA Contract No. / Task No. DG133R-07-NC-1616, Mod 12/8407-001, 8/2011-7/2012, $50,000, X. Zhang (task leader), S. Kondragunta (task monitor).
  21. Global Biomass Burning Emissions Product (GBBEP) from Multiple Geostationary Satellites.
    • NOAA Contract No./Task No. DG133E-06-CQ-0030/N154-001, 7/2010-12/2011, $200,000, X. Zhang (task leader), S. Kondragunta (task monitor).
  22. Derive Biomass Burning Emissions from GOES WildFire Automated Biomass Burning (WF_ABBA) Fire Products.
    • NOAA Contract No./Task No. DG133E-06-CQ-0030/T102, 04/2005-12/2011, $550,000, X. Zhang (task leader), S. Kondragunta (task monitor).
  23. POES/METOP Product Validation--Assess AVHRR NDVI product through generation and validation of phenology applications.
    • NOAA Contract No./Task No. DG133E-06-CQ-0030/T140, 08/2009-10/2011, $40,000, X. Zhang (task leader), M. Goldberg (task monitor).
  24. Develop GOES-R ABI Aerosol & Trace Gas Emissions Algorithm.
    • NOAA Contract No./Task No. DG133E-06-CQ-0030/T124A, 6/2009-12/2011, X. Zhang (task leader), S.Kondragunta (task monitor).
  25. Adaptation of the GOES Emissions Algorithm to GOES-R ABI.
    • NOAA SciTech Contract: DG133E-06-CQ-0030/8003-080, 6/2007-5/2009, X. Zhang (task leader), S. Kondragunta (task monitor).
  26. Analysis of AVHRR Climate-Quality Land Products.
    • NOAA Contract No./Task No. DG133E-06-CQ-0030/8003-034, 04/2005—12/2007, $150,000, X. Zhang (task leader), D. Tarpley (task monitor).
  27. Global land cover and land cover dynamics from MODIS: algorithm refinement in support of global change research.
    • NASA, 1/2004-12/2006, $698,049, PI: M.A. Friedl (BU), CO-I, X. Zhang (BU).
  28. Real Time Estimation and Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Surface Properties for Numerical Weather Prediction Models.
    • NOAA, 6/2004-5/2007, $454,987, PI: M.A. Friedl (BU), Co-I: X. Zhang (BU).
  29. Retrieval of Time-Varying Land Cover and Vegetation Properties from MODIS in Support of the NCEP-WRF Land Surface Mode.
    • NOAA, 8/2003-7/2004, $100,000, PI: M.A. Friedl (BU), Co-I: X. Zhang (BU).
  30. Land Cover/Land-Cover Change, Albedo, BRDF/Directional Reflectance and Spatial Structure Products from MODIS-N and MODIS-T.
    • NASA, 1/1992 - 12/2003, $9,464,991, PI: A.H. Strahler (BU), Research Associate: X. Zhang (BU).
  31. Remote Sensing for Estimating Rice Yield in Central China.
    • Supported by Chinese National Eighth Five-Year Plan, 1990-1995, X. Zhang (PI).
  32. Studies on Fishery Ecology in the Shallow Lake of Middle and Low Reaches of the Yangtze River.
    • Supported by Eighth Five-Year Plan of the Chinese Academy of Science, 1992-1995, S. Cai (PI), X. Zhang (Co-I).
  33. Remotely Sensed Investigation of Natural Resources & Environment in China and their Dynamics.
    • Supported by Five-Year Plan of the Chinese Academy of Science, 1992-1995, S. Cai (PI), X. Zhang (Co-I).
  34. Studies of Exploitation of Aquatic Biological Productivity and Improvement of Ecological Environment in Lake Honghu.
    • Supported by Seventh Five-Year Plan of the Chinese Academy of Science, 1987-1990, S. Cai (PI), X. Zhang (Co-I).
  35. Relationship between Human Activities and Environmental Changes in Honghu Area. An International Joint Research with Liverpool University (UK).
    • Supported by the Chinese National Foundation of Natural Science, 1991-1994, S. Cai (PI), X. Zhang (Co-I).
  36. Studies of Natural Resources & Environment and Adjustment of Ecological Agriculture in Sihui District.
    • Supported by Seventh Five-Year Plan of the Hubei Province, 1984-1990, S. Cai (PI), X. Zhang (Co-I).
  37. Effects of the Three Gorge Project on Lake Environmental Evolution, Potential Gleization, and Creation of Marshes in the North and South of Jingjiang River (Four Lake District).
    • Supported by Chinese National Seventh Five-Year Plan, 1985-1991. S. Cai (PI), X. Zhang (Co-I).
  38. Planning of Agriculture and Ecological Economy in Four Lake District.
    • Supported by Seventh Five-Year Plan of the Hubei Province, 1986-1990, S. Cai (PI), X. Zhang (Co-I).
  39. The Evolution of Jianghan-Dongting Lakes.
    • Supported by Chinese National Foundation of Natural Science,1984-1987, S. Cai (PI), X. Zhang (Co-I).