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OSHA Recordkeeping Criteria

Employers with 10 or more employees must record worker injury or illnesses on OSHA 300 Form, Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses.

The employer must document all individual recordable injuries and illnesses on the OSHA 300 Form within seven days of notification they occurred.

OSHA Standard for recording injuries: 29 CFR 1904, Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses 

General Recording Criteria on OHSA Form 300 and Notification: 

  • Death - report to OSHA within eight hours
  • Hospitalization - work-related, report to OSHA within eight hours
  • Amputation - report to OSHA within 24 hours
  • Loss of an Eye - report to OSHA within 24 hours
  • New work - related injury or illness
  • Medical treatment beyond first aid
  • Loss of Consciousness
  • Days away from work
  • Restricted work or transfer to another job (due to injury or illness)

OSHA forms, requirements and training

Frequently Asked Questions for OSHA's Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Rule

OSHA 300 Form Question and Answer Search Page