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Todd Trooien

Todd Trooien



Office Building

Raven Precision Agriculture Center



Mailing Address

Raven Precision Ag Building 103
Ag and Biosystems Engineering-Box 2100
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


I help producers manage water resources and livestock wastes for efficient crop production and enhanced environmental quality. Current research projects include measuring the water quality impacts of manure application during the winter instead of stockpiling it. If winter application can take place without excessive loss in runoff, producer time and storage requirements can be reduced.
If you are an incoming freshman ABE student, you will see a lot of me. I help incoming freshmen students select courses at New Student Orientation (in fact, I will have some spaces saved for you in some of your required courses). When the fall semester starts, I help with your transition into the ABE program by coordinating math study sessions and teaching the first-semester intro course, ABE 101. I also provide technical content in various courses to help you prepare for your engineering career. I teach early courses such as Engineering Tools for ABE and Project Development for ABE. For older undergraduate students, I provide technical content in courses such as Natural Resources Engineering and Soil and Water Mechanics. For those seeking deeper understanding engineering for natural resources, especially graduate students, I teach graduate courses such as Advanced Irrigation Engineering, Groundwater Engineering in Agriculture, and Advanced Hydrology for Agriculture. All of these steps help prepare you for a successful career in agricultural and biosystems engineering.


  • B.S. in agricultural engineering | South Dakota State University | 1983
  • M.S. in agricultural engineering | South Dakota State University | 1985
  • Ph.D. in agricultural engineering | Colorado State University | 1988

Academic Responsibilities

  • Natural Resources Engineering (ABE 434)
  • Soil and Water Mechanics (AST 333)
  • Engineering Tools for ABE (ABE 132)
  • Project Development for ABE (ABE 222)
  • Advanced Irrigation Engineering (ABE 734)
  • Advanced Hydrology for Agriculture (ABE 732)

Committees and Professional Memberships

  • American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
  • The Irrigation Association

Awards and Honors

  • 2015-2016, Jerome J Lohr College of Engineering Academic Advisor of the Year.


Grant funds have been obtained from many different agencies and groups. Grant funds have been received from agencies and programs such as the EPA Section 319 program via DENR, the US Bureau of Reclamation, the SD Department of Agriculture, and others. Funds have been received from private and commodity groups such as South Dakota Farm Bureau, South Dakota Cattlemen's Association and Cattle Feeders Council, South Dakota Corn, Minnesota Corn and others.

Work Experience

  • 1996-2000, Research Irrigation Engineer, Kansas State University.
  • 1985-1996, Research Agricultural Engineer, USDA-ARS.

Areas of Research

  • Management of and water quality impacts of animal wastes and wastewater
  • Irrigation management for crop production
  • Water and drainage management for crop production
