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Tim Hansen

Timothy Hansen headshot


Harold C. Hohbach Endowed Associate Professor

Office Building

Daktronics Engineering Hall



Mailing Address

Daktronics Eng Hall 213
Electrical Engineering/Computer Science-Box 2222
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007

Social Media Links


  • B.S. in computer engineering | Milwaukee School of Engineering | 2011
  • Ph.D. in electrical engineering | Colorado State University | 2015

Academic Interests

  • Electric power systems and markets
  • Optimization
  • High-performance computing
  • Edge computing
  • Optimal control
  • Machine learning
  • Modeling and simulation
  • Computer engineering

Academic Responsibilities

  • EE245/L - Digital Systems
  • EE492/592 - Advanced Power Systems Analysis
  • CSC/EE469-569 - Fundamentals of High-Performance Computing
  • EE792 - Fundamentals of Power Systems Economics
  • EE792 - Computational Data Analysis of Power Systems

Committees and Professional Memberships


  • IEEE Region 4 Siouxland Section Executive Committee, Chair (2019 - Present), Young Professionals Chair (2017-2019)
  • IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Power Engineering Education Committee (PEEC)
  • Research Committee Co-chair (2024-present), Secretary (2022-2024); Awards
  • Subcommittee, Chair (2019-2021), Co-chair (2017 - 2019), Secretary (2016 - 2017)
  • IEEE Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Honor Society Faculty Advisor (2016 - Present)

Professional Memberships

  • IEEE senior member
  • IEEE Power and Energy Society
  • IEEE Computer Society
  • ACM member
  • EIG on Energy

Awards and Honors

  • 2024, Outstanding Researcher Award, South Dakota State University Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering.
  • Summer 2023, Invited Visiting Faculty, Multiscale modeling of Urban Systems (AVENUES) Laboratory, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne (UTC), France.
  • 2020, Graduate of the Last Decade, Milwaukee School of Engineering.
  • 2019, IEEE-HKN C. Holmes MacDonald Outstanding Teaching Award.
  • January 2019, Best paper award: “Parallel Implementation of AC Optimal Power Flow and Time-Constrained Optimal Power Flow using High-Performance Computing,” IEEE 9th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference.
  • Fall 2018, EPSCoR South Dakota Discovery Center Science Communication Fellow.
  • December 2017, Best paper award: “Metrics-Based Assessment of Sustainability in Demand Response,” 15th IEEE International Conference on Smart City.
  • Summer 2017, Invited Visiting Faculty, Franche-Comte Electronics, Mechanics, Thermal Science, and Optics (FEMTO-ST), Energy Department, Universite de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard (UTBM), part of Universite Bourgogne Franche-Comte (UBFC), 90010 Belfort cedex, France.
  • May 2016, Best paper award: “Spatial-Temporal Stochasticity of Electric Vehicles in an Integrated Traffic and Power System,” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology.


  • “TRANSFORMATIVE: Transmission and Distribution Systems with Flexible and Optimal Coordination: Resilience, Modeling, and Technologies for a VRE and DER-Integrated Adaptive Energy Grid.” Department of Energy Solar Energy Technology Office (SETO), Sep. 1, 2024 to Aug. 31, 2027, $357,467.
  • “Collaborative Research: RII Track-2 FEC: STORM: Data-Driven Approaches for Secure Electric Grids in Communities Disproportionately Impacted by Climate Change.” National Science Foundation, Sep. 15, 2023 to Aug. 31, 2027, $750,000.
  • “PHASE 3 RENEWAL: Development and Validation of Models to Assess Dynamic Response of Converter-Dominated Power Systems across Multiple Spatiotemporal Scales.” United States Department of Energy Office of Science, Aug. 15, 2023 to Aug. 14, 2025, $291,211.
  • Brandt, K., Fennell, A., Hansen, T., Leigh, L. and Scaria, J. “MRI: Acquisition of a Heterogeneous High-Performance Computing Cluster Driven by Computational and Data-Intensive Multidisciplinary Research.” National Science Foundation, Oct. 1, 2022 to Sep. 30, 2025, $978,708.
  • “Renewal: Development and Validation of Models to Assess Dynamic Response of Converter-Dominated Power Systems across Multiple Spatiotemporal Scales.”
    United States Department of Energy Office of Science, Aug. 15, 2021 to Aug. 14, 2023, $331,413.
  • “Development and Validation of Models to Assess Dynamic Response of Converter-Dominated Power Systems across Multiple Spatiotemporal Scales.” United States Department of Energy Office of Science, Sep. 15, 2019 to Sep. 14, 2021, $630,897.
  • “Battery Energy Storage System-based Virtual Inertia for a Resilient Power Grid.” SDSU Office of Academic Affairs and Office of Research and Economic Development: Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity (RSCA) Challenge Fund, Aug. 19, 2019 to Aug. 18, 2020, $32,105.
  • “MRI: Acquisition of a Microgrid Cyber-Physical Testbed for Advanced Energy Management Systems,” from National Science Foundation, Sep. 15, 2017 to Aug. 31, 2020, $252,362.
  • “Next Generation Energy Management System for Future Smart Homes,” South Dakota Board of Regents Competitive Research Grant Program, Aug. 21, 2017 to Aug. 20, 2018, $80,000.
  • "Collaborative Research: A Scalable Sustainability-Based Approach to a Novel Demand Response Paradigm in the Emerging Smart Grid," National Science Foundation, Aug. 15, 2016 to Aug. 14, 2019, $153,689.

Work Experience

  • 2014-2015, Researcher, Distributed Energy Systems Integration, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden Co.
  • 2008-2011, Embedded Systems Engineer, CCS, Inc., Waukesha, WI.

Areas of Research

  • Robust Resource Allocation
  • Optimization Applied to Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
  • Electric Power Engineering and Markets
  • High-Performance Computing, Simulation, Modeling and Desing of Energy Management Systems


  1. Abodh Poudyal, Ujjwol Tamrakar, Rodrigo D. Trevizan, Robert Fourney, Reinaldo Tonkoski, and Timothy M. Hansen, “Multi-Area Inertia Estimation using Convolutional Neural Networks and Federated Learning,” IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 6401–6412, Dec. 2022.
  2. Ujjwol Tamrakar, David A. Copp, Tu Nguyen, Timothy M. Hansen, and Reinaldo Tonkoski, “Optimization-Based Fast-Frequency Estimation and Control of Low-Inertia Microgrids,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, special issue on Model Predictive Control in Energy Conversion Systems, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 1459–1468, June 2021.
  3. Priti Paudyal, Prateek Munankarmi, Zhen Ni, and Timothy M. Hansen, “A Hierarchical Control Framework with a Novel Bidding Scheme for Residential Community Energy Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 710–719, Jan. 2020.
  4. Timothy M. Hansen, Edwin K. P. Chong, Siddharth Suryanarayanan, Anthony A. Maciejewski, and Howard Jay Siegel, “A Partially Observable Markov Decision Process Approach to Residential Home Energy Management,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 1271–1281, Mar. 2018.
  5. Timothy M. Hansen, Robin Roche, Siddharth Suryanarayanan, Anthony A. Maciejewski, and Howard Jay Siegel, “Heuristic Optimization for an Aggregator-based Resource Allocation in the Smart Grid,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 1785–1794, July 2015.
  6. Bidur Poudel, Pooja Aslami, Tara Aryal, Niranjan Bhujel, Manisha Rauniyar, Hossein Moradi Rekabdarkolaee, Ujjwol Tamrakar, Timothy M. Hansen, and Reinaldo Tonkoski, “Comparative Analysis of State and Parameter Estimation Techniques for Power System Frequency Dynamics,” in IEEE Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM) 2022, Sorrento, Italy, 8 pages, June 2022.
  7. Sunil Subedi, Nischal Guruwacharya, Ujjwol Tamrakar, Phylicia Cicilio, Hossein Moradi Rekabdarkolaee, Robert Fourney, Reinaldo Tonkoski, and Timothy M. Hansen,“Computationally Efficient Partitioned Modeling of Inverter Dynamics with Grid Support Functions,” in 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’21), special session on Advances in Component and System Modeling and Simulation of Power Systems in Transition to Converter-Dominated Systems, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Oct. 2021, 6 pages.
  8. Niranjan Bhujel, Astha Rai, Ujjwol Tamrakar, Timothy M. Hansen, and Reinaldo Tonkoski, “A Model Predictive Approach for Voltage Support in Microgrids using Energy Storage Systems,” in IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2021 (PESGM21), Washington, D.C., 5 pages, Aug. 2021. Presented at the Best Papers Session on Distribution, Microgrids, and Energy Hubs.
  9. Ujjwol Tamrakar, Nischal Guruwacharya, Niranjan Bhujel, Felipe Wilches-Bernal, Timothy M. Hansen, and Reinaldo Tonkoski, “Inertia Estimation in Power Systems using Energy Storage and System Identification Techniques,” in IEEE Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM) 2020, Sorrento, Italy, 6 pages, June 2020.
  10. Aravind Ingalalli, Andre Luna, Venkat Durvasulu, David A. Copp, Tu A. Nguyen, Timothy M. Hansen, and Reinaldo Tonkoski, “Energy Storage Systems in Emerging Electricity Markets: Frequency Regulation and Resiliency,” in IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2019, Atlanta, GA, 5 pages, August 2019.


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