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Sharon Vestal

Sharon Vestal


Associate Professor/Coordinator

Office Building

Chicoine Architecture, Mathematics and Engineering Hall



Mailing Address

Chicoine Architecture, Math & Engineering Building 291
Math and Statistics-Box 2225
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


Dr. Vestal grew up on a farm in Hand County, South Dakota, and is the youngest of 10 children. She feels fortunate that she could return to her home state and work with future math teachers. She is passionate about improving the teaching of mathematics for ALL students and continues to strive to be a better educator every day.

Social Media Links


  • B.A. in mathematics/classical humanities | University of South Dakota | 1992
  • M.A. in mathematics | University of South Dakota | 1994
  • Ph.D. in mathematics | University of Colorado, Boulder | 2000

Academic Interests

  • Improving the teaching and learning of mathematics for ALL students.
  • Utilizing technology appropriately in teaching mathematics.
  • Researching and sharing information about the geometry for teachers course.

Academic Responsibilities

  • Math 253 Logic, Sets and Proof
  • Math 261 Geometry for Teachers
  • Math 371 Technology for STEM Educators
  • Math 433 Mathematics Education Capstone
  • Math 434 Assessment in STEM Education
  • Math 450 History of Math

Committees and Professional Memberships


  • 2023-2024 Mathematics and Statistics Department Head Search Committee
  • SD STEM Education Conference Planning Committee
  • Intercollegiate Athletic Board, 2021-2023
  • Open Educational Resources Committee, 2017-2022

Professional Memberships

  • Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
  • South Dakota Council of Teachers of Mathematic

Awards and Honors

  • 2020, South Dakota Council of Teachers of Mathematics Friend of Mathematics Award
  • 2019, Timothy J. Nichols Award Outstanding Undergraduate Academic Advising Award


  • NSF Robert Noyce Scholarship Program Grant (DUE 1950255)
  • NSF Robert Noyce Scholarship Program Grant (DUE 1439789)
  • NSF Robert Noyce Scholarship Program Grant (DUE 0733691)

Work Experience

  • August 2009-present, associate professor, South Dakota State University
  • August 2006-August 2009, assistant professor, South Dakota State University
  • August 2005-May 2006, associate professor, Missouri Western State University
  • August 2000-July 2005, assistant professor, Missouri Western State University

Areas of Research

  • Mathematics education
  • Student success
  • Best teaching practices


  1. O. Buchbinder, S. Vestal, and T. An, Lessons Learned using FullProof, a Digital Proof Platform, in a Geometry for Teachers Course, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (2023), 163 - 171.
  2. P. White, M. Nepal, L. Browning, M. Miller, S. Vestal, and M. Lemke, Perceptions and Usages of Online Teaching Resources by South Dakota Science and Agriculture Teachers, EdArXiv (2020).
  3. S. Vestal, M. Miller, and L. Browning, Metacognition across the STEM Disciplines, chapter in Metacognition in Chemistry Education: Connecting Research and Practice ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society, 2017.
  4. S. Vestal, Calculus Lab, 1st Edition, WebAssign, 2015.
  5. S. Vestal, T. Brandenburger, and A. Furth. Improving Student Success in Calculus I using a Co-Requisite Calculus I Lab, PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 25:4 (2015), 381-387.
  6. S. Vestal, The Future of STEM Education in South Dakota, Sioux Falls Argus Leader, July 5, 2013.
  7. S. Schaffer Vestal and E. Weber, Orthonormal Wavelets and Shift Invariant Generalized Multiresolution Analyses, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 131 (2003), 3089-3100.
  8. S. Schaffer and E. Weber, Wavelets with the Translation Invariance Property of Order n, arXiv (2000), DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.math/0002127.


Related Links

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