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Maribeth Latvis

Maribeth Latvis


Adjunct Faculty / Associate Graduate Faculty

Office Building

Edgar S. McFadden Biostress Lab



Mailing Address

McFadden Biostress Laboratory 139C
Natural Resource Management-Box 2140B
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


If you would like my CV or more information, please feel free to contact me at my SDState email address noted.


  • Ph.D. in biology | University of Florida | 2013
  • B.S. in anthropology-zoology | University of Michigan | 2005

Academic Interests

  • Botany
  • Evolutionary biology
  • Molecular systematics
  • Phylogenetics

Academic Responsibilities

Director of the Taylor Herbarium


  • Grasses and Grasslike Plants (BOT 405-505)
  • Range Plant Identification (RANG 210)
  • Plant Systematics (BOT 301)

Committees and Professional Memberships

  • American Society of Plant Taxonomists (ASPT)
  • Botanical Society of America (BSA)
  • Society of Herbarium Curators (SHC)
  • Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB)

Work Experience

  • Postdoctoral researcher. University of Idaho, Department of Biological Sciences. 2014-2017
  • Lecturer. University of Idaho, Department of Biological Sciences. 2016
  • Laboratory manager. Harvard University, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology. 2005-2007

Areas of Research

I build phylogenies (hypotheses about evolutionary history) using molecular data to understand patterns of plant biodiversity at multiple scales - from deep divergences in the flowering plant tree of life, to recent speciation and hybridization events. Much of my work has been focused within the Orobanchaceae, the largest clade of parasitic angiosperms. I am also interested in plant community assembly, floristics and managing natural history collections.


Related Links

Maribeth's Personal WebsiteGoogle Scholar