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Jayarama Gunaje

Jayarama B Gunaje


Associate Professor

Office Building

Avera Health and Science Center



Mailing Address

Avera Health and Science 259
Pharmaceutical Sciences-Box 2202C
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


CV-2016-Gunaje.pdf(232.36 KB)


  • Ph.D. in biochemistry | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India | 1989
  • Postdoctoral fellow | Seattle Biomedical Research Institute | 1991
  • Postdoctoral fellow | ZymoGenetics Corporation | 1993

Academic Responsibilities

  • PHA324:  Biomedical Sciences I (Cell and Molecular Biology and Immunology) to 1st Year Pharm.D. students.
  • PHA425:  Biomedical Sciences II (Pharmacogenomics) to 2nd year Pharm.D. students.
  • PHA846: Techniques in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Part II (Biomedical Sciences) to Ph.D. students.

Committees and Professional Memberships

  • Member, American Association for Cancer Research  
  • Member, Rho Chi Society
  • Honorary member, Golden-Key International Honors Society (S.D.S.U. Chapter)

Awards and Honors

  • 1989, Shamarao Kaikini Medal (best thesis award) from Indian Institute of Science, India.  
  • 1997, Second place in the Pharmacia &Upjohn young investigator award competition.  XIV Annual meeting, International Society for Heart Research, Vancouver, Canada.  
  • 2005, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy-Graduate teacher of the year award.
  • 2006, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy- Graduate Teaching Team of the Year Award (Biochemistry).  
  • 2009, Unsung Hero Award in recognition of hard work and dedication to the students of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.  
  • 2011, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy, P1 Teaching Team of the Year Award (Biochemistry).  
  • 2011, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy, Graduate Teaching Team of the Year Award (Research Design and Analysis).
  • 2011, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy, Graduate Teacher of the Year Award.
  • 2011, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy, Graduate Mentor for all 2010-2011.
  • 2012, South Dakota State University- TRiO SSS Students' Choice Award for the Fall 2012 Semester (for the exceptional efforts put forth so many students, including TRiO students).  
  • 2013, Pharmacy College Teacher of the Year award (for the academic year 2012-13), South Dakota State University College of Pharmacy, Brooking s, SD.
  • 2016, Excellence in Research and Scholarly Activity, South Dakota State University College of Pharmacy, Bookings, SD.


  • “Transcriptional control of proto-oncogenes by Angiotensin II in cardiac cells”. American Heart Association (AHA)-PA affiliate Grant-In-Aid, 1994-1996, $70,000.
  • “Mechanism of activation of transcription factor Stat92 by Angiotensin II”. AHA (National) Grant-In-Aid, 1996-1999, $165,000.
  • “Activation of STAT transcription factors by α-thrombin in vascular smooth muscle cells”. AHA PA affiliate Grant-In-Aid, 1997-1999, $70,000.  
  • “Control of Interleukin-6-signaling by α-thrombin in lung fibroblasts”. RO1 grant from NIH, 2000-2003, $732,000
  • “p53 Acetylation as a Mechanism in Chemoprevention by Aspirin.” RO3 grant from NIH, 2009-2011, $148,500.
  • “Novel Mechanisms of Chemoprevention by Aspirin”. SDSU Translational Cancer Research Center seed grant, 2012-2013, $30,000.
  • Cyclins as Novel Targets of Aspirin in Chemoprevention. Scholarly Faculty Excellence Fund (Office of Research, SDSU), 2014-2015, $7500.

Work Experience

  • 1993-1997, associate/research scientist, Weis Center for Research, Geisinger Clinic, Danville, Pennsylvania.
  • 1997-1998, Assistant Professor, Henry Hood M.D. Research Program, Weis Center for Research, The Penn State University College of Medicine, Danville, Pennsylvania.
  • 1998-2000, Assistant Professor, Department of Specialty Care Services, The University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Tyler, Tyler, Texas.
  • 2000-2003,Senior Scientist, Icogen Corporation, Seattle, Washington.
  • 2004-2011, Associate Professor, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy, Amarillo, Texas.    
  • 2011-present, Associate Professor, South Dakota State University College of Pharmacy, Bookings.

Areas of Research

  • Novel pathways of cancer prevention by aspirin in epithelial tissues.
  • Novel pathways of cancer prevention by flavonoid compounds.


  1. Dwarki, V.J., Francis, V.S.N.K., Bhat, G.J. and Padmanaban, G. (1987).  Regulation of cytochrome P-450 mRNA and apoprotein levels by heme.  J. Biol. Chem.  262, 16958-16962.
  2. Bhat, G.J., Rangarajan, P.N. and Padmanaban, G. (1987).  Differential effects of cycloheximide on rat liver cytochrome –P-450 gene transcription in the whole animal and hepatoma cell culture.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.  148, 1118-1123.
  3. Bhat, G.J. and Padmanaban, G. (1988).  Heme regulates cytochrome P-450 gene transcription elongation.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.  151, 737-742.
  4. Bhat, G.J. and Padmanaban, G. (1988).  Heme is a positive regulator of cytochrome P-450 gene transcription.  Arc. Biochem. Biophys.  264, 584-590.
  5. Bhat, G.J., Koslowsky, D.J., Feagin, J.E., Smiley, B.L. and Stuart, K. (1990).  An extensively edited mitochondrial transcript in kinetoplastids encodes a protein homologous to ATPase subunit 6.  Cell 61, 885-894.
  6. Koslowsky, D.J., Bhat, G.J., Perrollaz, A.L. Feagin, J.E. and Stuart, K. (1991).  The MURF3 gene of T. Brucei contains multiple domains of extensive RNA editing and is homologous to a subunit of NADH dehydrogenase.  Cell 62, 901-911.
  7. Bhat, G.J., Lodes, M.J., Myler, P.J. and Stuart, K. (1991).  A simple method for cloning blunt ended DNA fragments.  Nucl Acids Res. 19, 398.
  8. Koslowsky, D.J., Bhat, G.J., Read, L.K and Stuart, K. (1991).  Cycles of progressive alignment of gRNA with mRNA in RNA editing.  Cell 67, 537-546.  
  9. Bhat, G.J., Myler, P.J., and Stuart, K. (1991).  The two ATPase 6 mRNAs of Leishmania tarentolae differ in the 3’ ends.  Mol. Biochem. Parasitol.  48, 139-150.  
  10. Bhat, G.J., Souza, A.E., Feagin, J.E. and Stuart, K. (1992).  Transcript specific developmental regulation of polyadenylation in kinetoplastid mitochondria.  Mol. Biochem. Parasitol.  52, 231-240.
  11. Bhat, G.J., Thekkumkara, T.J., Thomas, W.G., Conrad, K.M. and Baker, K.M. (1994).  Angiotensin II stimulates sis-inducing factor-like DNA binding activity: Evidence that AT1A receptor activates transcription factor Stat91 and / or a related protein.  J. Biol. Chem. 269, 31443-31449.  
  12. Bhat, G.J., Thekkumkara, T.J., Thomas, W.G., Conrad, K.M. and Baker, K.M. (1995).  Activation of the STAT pathway by angiotensin II in T3CHO/AT1A cells: Crosstalk between angiotensin II and interleukin-6-induced Stat3 signaling.  J. Biol. Chem.  270, 19059-19065.
  13. Bhat, G.J., Abraham, S.T. and Baker, K.M. (1996).  Angiotensin II interferes with interleukin-6-induced Stat3 signaling by a pathway involving MAP kinase kinase 1. J. Biol. Chem.  271, 22447-22452.
  14. Bhat, G.J., Abrama, S.T., Singer, H.A and Baker, K.M. (1997).  α-Thrombin stimulates SIF-A DNA binding activity in rat aortic smooth muscle cells.  Hypertension, 29[part2], 356-360.  
  15. Bhat, G.J and Baker, K.M. (1997).  Angiotensin II stimulates rapid serine phosphorylation of transcription factor Stat3.  Mol. Cell. Biochem.  170, 171-176.  
  16. Dostal, D.E., Hunt, R.A., Kule, C.E., Bhat, G.J., Karoor, V.J., McWhinney, C.D. and Baker, K.M. (1997).  Molecular mechanisms of angiotensin II in modulating cardiac function.  Intracardiac effects and signal transduction pathways.  J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol.  29, 2893-2902.  
  17. Bhat, G.J and Baker, K.M. (1998).  Crosstalk between angiotensin II and interleukin-6-induced STAT signal transduction pathways.  Mol. Cell Cardiol.  93, Suppl 3, 26-29.  
  18. Bhat, G.J and Baker, K.M. (1998).  α-Thrombin inhibits signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 signaling by interleukin-6, leukemia inhibitory factor and ciliary neurotrophic factor in CCl39 cells.  Arc. Biochem. Biophys.  350, 307-314.  
  19. Bhat, G.J, Gunaje, J. and Idell, S. (1999).  Urokinase type plasminogen activator induces tyrosine phosphorylation of a 78-kDa protein in H-157 cells.  Am. J. Physiol. 277, (Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. 21): L301-L309.
  20. Bhat, G.J. Raghu, G., Gunaje, J.J. and Idell, S. (1999).  α-Thrombin inhibits interleukin-6-induced Stat3 signaling and gp130 gene expression in primary cultures of human lung fibroblasts.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 256, 626-630.
  21. Hunt, R.A., Bhat, G.J. and Baker, K.M. (1999).  Angiotensin II-stimulated induction of sis-inducing factor is mediated by pertussis toxin-sensitive G(q) proteins in cardiac myocytes.  Hypertension.  34(4 Pt 1): 603-608.
  22. Gunaje, J.J. and Bhat, G.J. (2000). Distinct mechanism of inhibition of interleukin-6 induced Stat3 signaling by TGF-β and α-thrombin in CCL39 cells.  Mol. Cell. Biol. Res. Comm. 4, 151-157.  
  23. Gunaje, J.J. and Bhat, G.J. (2001).  Involvement of tyrosine phosphatase 1D in the inhibition of interleukin-6-induced Stat3 signaling by α-thrombin.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 288, 252-257.  * corresponding author
  24. Azghani, A.O., Baker, J.W., Shetty, S., Miller, E.J., and Bhat, G.J. (2002).  Pseudomonas aeruginosa elastase stimulates ERK signaling pathway and enhances IL-8 production by alveolar epithelial cells in culture.  Inflamm. Res.  51, 506-510.
  25. Bhat, G.J., Samikkannu, T., Thomas, J.J. and Thekkumkara, T.J. (2004).  α-Thrombin rapidly induces tyrosine phosphorylation of a novel, 74-78 kDa stress response protein(s) in lung fibroblast cells.  J. Biol. Chem. 279, 48915-48922.  
  26. Yang, T., Roder, K.E., Bhat, G.J., Thekkumkara, T.J. and Abbruscato, T.J. (2006).  Protein Kinase C family members as a target for regulation of blood brain barrier Na, K, 2Cl-co-transporter during in vitro stroke conditions and nicotine exposure.  Pharmaceutical Research.  23, 291-302.
  27. Samikkannu, T., Thomas, J.J., Bhat, G.J. and Thekkumkara, T.J. (2006).  Acute effect of high glucose on long-term Cell growth: A role for transient glucose in proximal tubule cell injury.  Am. J. Physiol. (Renal Physiol). 291, F162-F-175.
  28. Niture, S.K., Velu, C.S., Smith, Q.R., Bhat, G.J. and Srivenugopal, K.S. (2007).  Increased expression of the MGMT repair protein mediated by cysteine prodrugs and chemopreventive natural products in human lymphocytes and tumor cell lines.  Carcinogenesis 28, 378-389.  
  29. Krishna, B.K., Alfonso, L.F., Thekkumkara, T.J., Abbruscato, T.J. and Bhat, G.J. (2007).  Angiotensin II induces phosphorylation of glucose regulated protein-75 in WB rat liver cells:  Arch. Biochem. Biophys.  457, 16-28.
  30. Vemula, S., Yang, T., Roder, K.E., Bhat, G.J., Thekkumkara, T.J. and Abbruscato, T.J. (2009).  A functional role for sodium dependent glucose transport across the blood brain barrier during oxygen glucose deprivation.  J. Pharm. Exp. Ther.  328, 487-495.  
  31. Alfonso, L.F., Srivenugopal, K.S., Arumugam, T.V., Abbruscato T.J., Weidanz, J.A., and Bhat, G.J. (2009). Aspirin inhibits camptothecin-induced p21CIP1 levels in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells.  Int. J. Oncol.  34, 597-608.  
  32. Alfonso, L.F., Srivenugopal, K.S., and Bhat, G.J. (2009). Does aspirin acetylate multiple cellular proteins? Mol. Med. Rep.  2, 533-537.  
  33. Yusuf, M.A., Chuang, T., Bhat, G.J., and Srivenugopal, K.S. (2010). Cys-141 glutathionylation of human p53: studies using specific polyclonal antibodies in cancer samples and cell lines. Free. Radic. Biol. Med.  49, 908-915.  
  34. Marimuthu, S., Chivukula, R., Alfonso, L., Moridani, M. and Hagen, F and Bhat, G.J. (2011).  Aspirin acetylates multiple cellular proteins in HCT-116 cells:  Identification of novel targets.  Int. J. Oncol. 39, 1273-1283.  
  35. Vad, N.M., Kudugunti, S.K., Wang, H., Bhat, G.J. and Moridani, M.Y. (2014).  Efficacy of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in skin B16-F0 melanoma tumor-bearing C57BL/6 mice.  Tumor Biology, 35, 4967-4976.  
  36. Alfonso, L.F., Ai, G., Spitale, R. and Bhat, G.J. (2014).  Molecular targets of aspirin and cancer prevention.  British Journal of Cancer 111, 61-67.
  37. Ai, G., Dachineni., R., Muley, P., Tummala, R. and Bhat, G.J. (2016).  Aspirin and salicylic acid decrease c-Myc expression in cancer cells: a potential role in chemoprevention.  Tumor Biol. 37, 1727-1738.  
  38. Dachineni, R., Ai, G., Kumar, D.R., Sadhu, S.S., Tummala, H. and Bhat, G.J. (2016).  Cyclin A2 and CDK2 as Novel Targets of Aspirin and Salicylic acid: A Potential Role in Cancer Prevention.  Molecular Cancer Research, 14; 241-252.  
  39. Ai, G., Dachineni, R., Kumar, D.R., Marimuthu, S., Alfonso, L, and Bhat, G.J. (2016). Aspirin Acetylates Wild Type and Mutant p53 in Colon Cancer Cells: Identification of Aspirin Acetylated Sites on Recombinant p53. Tumor Biol. 37, 6007-6016.  
  40. Kumar, S., Kesharwani, S.S., Mathur, H., Tyagi, M., Bhat, G.J. and Tummala, H. (2016).  Molecular complexation of curcumin with pH sensitive cationic copolymer enhances the aqueous solubility, stability and bioavailability of curcumin.  Eur J. Pharm Sci.  82, 86-96.
  41. Ai, G., Dachineni, R., Kumar, D.R., Marimuthu, S., Alfonso, L, and Bhat, G.J. (2016). Aspirin Inhibits Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Activity in HCT 116 Cells through Acetylation: Identification of Aspirin Acetylated Sites.  Mol. Med. Rep. 14, 1726-1732.    
  42. Dachineni, R., Kumar, D.R., Callegari, E., Kesharwani, S.S., Sankaranarayan, R., Seefeldt, T., Tummala, H. and Bhat, G.J. (2017).  Salicylic acid metabolites and derivatives inhibit CDK activity: Novel insights into aspirin’s chemopreventive effects against colorectal cancer.  Int. J. Oncol.  51, 1661-1673.
