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Evren Celik Wiltse

Evren Celik Wiltse


Professor of Political Science

Office Building

Lincoln Hall



Mailing Address

Lincoln Hall 331
School of American and Global Studies-Box 2212
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


Dr. Çelik Wiltse is professor of political science and elected vice president of the Faculty Senate at South Dakota State University (SDSU). Prior to her tenure-track appointment at SDSU, she was an assistant professor at TOBB University of Economy and Technology (TOBB-ETU) in Ankara, Turkey.

She received B.A. and M.A. degrees in political science and international relations from Boğaziçi University in Istanbul. She received her Ph.D. from University of Massachusetts Amherst, completing her comprehensive exams in international relations and comparative politics. At UMass, she worked under the supervision of late Prof. Howard Wiarda. Her dissertation was a comparative analysis of development and democratization in Mexico and Turkey.

At SDSU, she regularly teaches courses on Current World Issues, International Relations, Latin American Politics, U.S. Foreign Policy, Gender and Politics, Globalization and Development and Democracy and Authoritarianism. She led study abroad programs to Cuba, Mexico and Turkey. She received the Best Teacher and Best Academic Advisor awards in 2019, and the Best Social Science Researcher awards in 2019 and 2021.

Her articles were published in journals such as South European Society and Politics, Perceptions and Social Indicators Research. Her books include Democratic Reform and Consolidation: The cases of Mexico and Turkey (ECPR Press, 2015) and Women’s Paths to Power: Female Presidents and Prime Ministers 1960-2020 (co-authored with Dr. Lisa Hager, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2021).


  • B.A. | Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • M.A. | Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Ph.D. | University of Massachusetts Amherst

Academic Interests

  • Development and democratization
  • Latin American politics
  • International political economy
  • Gender and politics

Academic Responsibilities

  • Current World Issues
  • American Political Issues
  • International Relations
  • Latin American Politics
  • Authoritarianism and Democracy
  • Gender and Politics
  • Globalization and Development
  • Honors Colloquium: X Politics

Committees and Professional Memberships


  • Elected vice president of SDSU Faculty Senate
  • College representative for Fishback Honors College
  • Library liaison for Political Science
  • SDSU Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Advisory Committee
  • Advisor for SDSU Muslim Cultural Student Association and Turkish Student Association
  • Contributor to the SDSU “Expert Pitch” media releases on current global issues

Professional Memberships

  • American Political Science Association (APSA)
  • International Studies Association (ISA)
  • International Political Science Association (IPSA)
  • Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)

Awards and Honors

  • 2022, Distinguished Honoree for Van D. and Barbara B. Fishback Honors College, SDSU
  • 2021, Outstanding Research Award in Social Sciences, SDSU College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
  • 2021, SDSU Global Engagement Award
  • 2019, Teacher of the Year Award, SDSU Fishback Honors College.
  • 2019, Outstanding Research Award in Social Sciences, SDSU College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • 2019, Academic Advisor of the Year Award, SDSU Student Association.


  • Rethinking in Regional Orders: Hierarchies and Heterarchies, Università L’Orientale, December 13-15, 2018, Naples, ITALY
  • Islamists and Local Politics Workshop, University of Gothenburg and Project on Middle East Political Science –POMEPS, June 13-15, 2017, Brastad, SWEDEN
  • Workshop on Unamendable Constitutional Provisions, organized by Koc University and Boston College, Istanbul, Turkey, June 9, 2015
  • Turkey-Mexico Roundtable Meeting, workshop organized by Mexican Council on Foreign Affairs (COMEXI), Mexico City, June 23-24, 2014
  • Third Annual Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) College and University Educators Workshop, CFR Headquarters, New York, April, 10-11, 2014
  • Origins and Effects of Arab Spring Workshop, Member of the organization committee -with Dr. Ekrem Karakoc of SUNY Binghamton- funded by Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Istanbul, Turkey. January 5-7, 2014
  • Post-positivist International Political Economy Workshop, organized by Prof. Oliver Kessler, Erfurt University, Germany, January 11-12, 2013

Invited Lectures:

  • Keynote Speech, titled “Democracy During COVID-19 Times”, 4th Annual Young Economists Conference, Turkey (via Zoom) May 20, 2021.
  • Keynote Speech, titled “COVID-19 and The Costs of Subprime Leaders” 4th Economics, Business and Organization Research (EBOR) Conference, Poland (via Zoom) May 22, 2021.
  • Guest Lecture, Universidad Internacional Cuernavaca, Mexico. Lecture title: “De Atatürk a Erdogan: La República turca de cara a su Centenario” (via Zoom) April 29, 2021.
  • Guest Lectures at Bogazici University, TOBB-ETU and Bogazici University Alumni Association in 2021.


  • Wiltse, E. and Peterson, G. “Pocketbook versus Identity and Emotions: Voter Behavior in South Dakota”. SDSU Research Scholarship Support Fund Grant, 2018, $2,500.
  • Wiltse, E. and Wilts, J. SDSU Daschle Congressional Career Papers Faculty Research Fellowship, 2017
  • Wiltse, E. and Michell, Z. SDSU Daschle Congressional Career Papers Faculty Research Fellowship, 2015.
  • SDSU Academic Dissemination Grants, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
  • Wiltse, E. and Peterson, G. SDSU Honors College New Course Development Grant. 2013.
  • SDSU seed grant, 2012-2013.

Work Experience

  • Faculty: TOBB University, Hacettepe University, Shippensburg University
  • Research assistant: Bogazici University, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Smith College
  • Assistant professor: TOBB University of Economy and Technology, International Relations Department, Ankara, TURKEY
  • Senior fellow: Center for Social Policy, TOBB University of Economy and Technology
  • Reviewer: Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Journal of Women, Politics and Policy, Uluslararası İlişkiler (UI) and Perceptions


  1. Wiltse, E.C. and Lisa Hager. March 2021. Women’s Paths to Power: Female Presidents and Prime Ministers, 1960–2020, CO: Lynne Reinner Publishers.
  2. Wiltse, E.C. Democratic Reform and Consolidation: the cases of Mexico and Turkey, ECPR Press, Colchester, UK, July 2015


  1. Viskupic, F., Wiltse, E.C. and Wiltse, D. 2022. "Pocketbook versus Identity? Farmers’ Attitudes towards International Trade." Forthcoming at The Social Science Journal.
  2. Wiltse, E.C. et. al. 2020. “Assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on Honors Student Learning, institutional connections, and intent to return to campus,” Journal of the European Honors Council, Vol: 4 (1)
  3. Wiltse, E.C. 2017. “Explaining the dog that doesn’t bark: Why do some localities in Turkey remain resistant to Islamist political mobilization”, published by George Washington University, POMEPS Studies #27 Islamists & Local Politics
  4. Erisen, C. and Wiltse, E.C. “Dividedness, Institutions and Economic Performance: A Cross-National Analysis of Democratic Stability”, Social Indicators Research, accepted for on-line first publication, 23 April 2016. doi:10.1007/s11205-016-1343-0
  5. Wiltse, E.C. 2013. “The G20 and Global Economic Governance During a Protracted Recession,” Perceptions, Vol: 18 (4), pp.7-28.
  6. Wiltse, E.C.  2008. “The Gordian Knot of Turkish Politics: Regulating Headscarf Use in Public,” South European Society and Politics, Vol: 13 (2), pp. 195-215

Book Chapters:

  1. Wiltse, E.C. 2018. “Democratic Challenges of the European Union” Chapter 13 in Democracy and Democratization: Challenges and Opportunities, Editors: Patrick Campbell and Thomas Sherlock, Foreword: Richard Haass, New York: Sloan Publishing [discussed as a “desk paper” at the Democracy Workshop at the American Military Academy at West Point]
  2. Wiltse, E.C. 2015. “Chapter 6: Liberalism, Cooperation, Collective Security and Neoliberal Institutionalism” in Introduction to Global Politics, Editor: Evren Balta, Istanbul, Iletisim Press. (in Turkish)
  3. Wiltse, E.C. 2017. “Cuba: A Unique Player in World Economy” in Global Political Economy After the Crisis, Editor: Sadik Unay, New York: Nova Science Publishers pp.93-104
  4. Wiltse, E.C. 2013. “2008 Crisis, Brazil and a New Social Democratic Development Model Debates,” in Global Crisis and the New Economic Order, Editors: Fikret Senses, Ziya Onis, Caner Bakir, Istanbul: Iletisim Publications (in Turkish)
  5. Wiltse, E.C. 2012. “Chapter 8: US Foreign Policy in Latin America and Africa”, in US Foreign Policy, Editor: Ramazan Gozen, Anadolu University Publications, No: 2609, pp. 218-244 (in Turkish, available both in hard copy & e-book formats, 2nd edition in 2016)
  6. E.C. Wiltse. 2007. “Globalization and Mexico”, in Globalization: Universal trends, Regional Implications, Editor: Howard J. Wiarda, Boston: MA, University Press of New England (UPNE), pp. 214-243