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Erin Miller

Erin E. Miller


Interim Center Director, Community Practice Innovation Center (CPIC), Assistant Professor, Department of Allied and Population Health

Office Building


Mailing Address

SDSU Dept of Allied and Population Health
2400 S Minnesota Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57105


Erin E. Miller completed her Pharm.D. at North Dakota State University. She continued her training by completing a pharmacy residency at the Veterans Affairs Health System in Fargo, North Dakota and her Master's in Business Administration at North Dakota State University.

Following this training, Dr. Miller served briefly as an adjunct instructor at Rasmussen College in Moorhead, Minnesota teaching pharmacology for allied sciences and then joined the Information Technology Department at Sanford Health where she worked as a clinical informatics pharmacist. After a year at Sanford Health, she moved in to a leadership position and held various leadership positions within the department for seven years. During that time, Dr. Miller had the opportunity to collaborate with many different departments within Sanford Health including Pharmacy, Oncology, Dialysis, Research and Genetic Medicine, as well as numerous vendors and collaborators. Her focus was on helping departments leverage technology to aid their daily work, improve patient care and promote changes necessary for strategic development.

Dr. Miller joined South Dakota State University College of Pharmacy and Allied Health in January 2020 where she teaches Professional Resources Management, U.S. Healthcare Systems and Complementary and Alternative Medicine for pharmacy students. She also is a part of the teaching team for Integrated Lab 3, Public and Population Health, Pharmacy Practice 2 and Pharmacy Practice 3. In the Master of Public Health program, Dr. Miller teaches the Applied Practice Experience series, the Integrated Learning Experience (Capstone) course and Program Planning and Evaluation, as well as serving as a advisor and mentor for MPH students. Her research interests include leadership in healthcare, community pharmacy practice, practice-based research and implementation science.


  • Pharm.D. | North Dakota State University
  • M.S. in business administration | North Dakota State University

Academic Responsibilities

  • Courses
    • PHA 727 - Professional Resources Management
    • PHA 724 - U.S. Healthcare Systems
    • PHA 754 - Complementary and Alternative Medicine
    • PUBH 721-723 - Applied Practice Experience series
    • PUBH 730 - Integrated Learning Experience (Capstone)
    • PUBH 755 - Program Planning and Evaluation
  • Dr. Miller's Team-taught Courses
    • PHA 368 - Pharmacy Practice II: Drug Information and Communication
    • PHA 467 - Pharmacy Practice III: Research Design and Pharmacoeconomics
    • PHA 726L - Integrated Lab III
    • PHA 741 - Public and Population Health
    • PUBH 729 - Leadership and Project Management in Public Health
  • Dr. Miller serves as a faculty advisor for MPH students.

Committees and Professional Memberships

  • ACCP House of Delegates Representative for South Dakota State University
  • AACP member - Leadership SIG, Social and Behavioral Sciences Section, Women Faculty SIG
  • APhA member
  • South Dakota Opioid Advisory Committee member, Spring 2021-Present
  • Pharmacy Curricular Progression and Variation Committee Member
  • Pharmacy Student Conduct Committee Member
  • Department of Allied and Population Health Standards Committee

Awards and Honors

  • Licensed pharmacist in South Dakota, North Dakota and Minnesota
  • Spring 2012, Teaching Certificate
  • APhA's Medication Therapy Management Certification and Faculty Trainer
  • APhA’s Pharmacy-Based Cardiovascular Disease Risk Management Certification and Faculty Trainer
  • APhA’s Pharmacist and Patient-Centered Diabetes Care Certification and Faculty Trainer


  • Development of a Mobile Clinic Program. CDC Program 2304, 1 Year, $250,000. 5-year project to improve access to care resources for cardiovascular disease and diabetes in South Dakota's rural communities.
  • HRSA Rural Communities Opioid Response Program - Implementation. START-SD, 3 Years, $1,000,000. 3-year program to reduce morbidity and mortality of opioid use disorders by improving access to prevention, treatment and recovery services available to patients and their families in Brookings, Codington and Hughes counties.
  • HRSA Rural Communities Opioid Response Program - Psychostimulant Support. START-SD, 3 Years, $500,000. 3-year project to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with psychostimulant use disorder by improving access to prevention, treatment and recovery services available to patients and their families in Codington, Roberts, Brown and Hughes counties.
  • HRSA Rural Communities Opioid Response Program - Opioid Response. START-SD, 1 Year, $300,000. 1-year project to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with overdoses related to substance use in target communities among adults aged 18-54 in Yankton, Lyman, Roberts and Hughes Counties through harm reduction strategies, education and training with healthcare facilities to improve treatment, and increasing access to treatment and recovery services through education, training and placement of peer coaches.
  • Improving the Health of Americans Through Prevention and Management of Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke. CDC Program 1815, Year 3 $600,000 award, Year 4 $800,000 award, Year 5 $870,000 award.

Work Experience

  • Adjunct instructor, Pharmacology for Allied Sciences - Rasmussen College in Moorhead, Minnesota 

Areas of Research

  • Substance use disorders
  • Community pharmacy and practice-based research
  • Implementation science
  • Leadership


Funder-Reviewed Scientific Reports

  1. Miller, Erin. Aaron Hunt, Christopher Robbins, Jeremy Daniel, Jennifer Ball. “START-SD-PSS Year 1 End-of-year Report.” Biannual RCORP Psychostimulant Reports. September 2022.
  2. Hunt, Aaron, Erin Miller and Jennifer Ball. “START-SD: Year 2 End-of-year Report.” Bi-annual RCORP Implementation II Reports, September 2022.
  3. Miller, Erin. Aaron Hunt, Christopher Robbins, Jeremy Daniel, Jennifer Ball. “START-SD-PSS Year 1 Mid-year Report.” Biannual RCORP Psychostimulant Reports. March 2022.
  4. Hunt, Aaron, Erin Miller and Jennifer Ball. “START-SD: Year 2 Mid-year Report.” Bi-annual RCORP Implementation II Reports, March 2022.
  5. Pinto, Sharrel, Alex Middendorf, Aaron Hunt, Deidra Van Gilder, Erin E. Miller, Christopher Robbins. “Improving the Health of South Dakotans through the Prevention and Management of Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke: Year 4 Final Report.” Executive Summary, June 2022.
  6. Pinto, Sharrel, Alex Middendorf, Aaron Hunt, Deidra Van Gilder, Erin E. Miller, Christopher Robbins. “Improving the Health of South Dakotans through the Prevention and Management of Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke: Year 4 Final Report.” Annual Final Report, June 2022.
  7. Hunt, Aaron, Erin Miller, Mary Emery and Jennifer Ball. “START-SD: Year 1 Quarter 4 Report.” Quarterly RCORP Implementation II Reports, September 2021.
  8. Pinto, Sharrel, Alex Middendorf, Aaron Hunt, Deidra Van Gilder and Erin Miller. “Improving the Health of South Dakotans through the Prevention and Management of Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke: Year 3 Executive Summary.” Executive Summary, June 2021.
  9. Pinto, Sharrel, Alex Middendorf, Aaron Hunt, Deidra Van Gilder and Erin Miller. “Improving the Health of South Dakotans through the Prevention and Management of Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke: Year 3 Final Report.” Annual Final Report, June 2021.
  10. Hunt, Aaron, Erin Miller, Mary Emery and Jennifer Ball. “START-SD: Year 1 Quarter 3 Report.” Quarterly RCORP Implementation II Reports, June 2021.
  11. Hunt, Aaron, Erin Miller, Mary Emery and Jennifer Ball. “START-SD: Year 1 Quarter 2 Report.” Quarterly RCORP Implementation II Reports, March 2021.
  12. Pinto, Sharrel, Alex Middendorf, Aaron Hunt, Yen-Ming Huang, Deidra Van Gilder, Erin Miller and Michaela Seiber. “Improving the Health of South Dakotans through the Prevention and Management of Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke: Year 2 Executive Summary.” Annual Executive Summary, June 2020.
  13. Pinto, Sharrel, Alex Middendorf, Aaron Hunt, Yen-Ming Huang, Deidra Van Gilder, Erin Miller and Michaela Seiber. “Improving the Health of South Dakotans through the Prevention and Management of Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke: Year 2 Final Report.” Annual Final Report, June 2020.
  14. Hunt, Aaron, Erin Miller, Mary Emery and Jennifer Ball. “START-SD: Year 1 Quarter 1 Report.” Quarterly RCORP Reports, December 2020.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. Miller, Erin E., Jennifer Ball, Mary Emery, Christopher Robbins, Jeremy Daniel, Patricia Ahmed, Aaron Hunt. Promoting Harm Reduction in Rural South Dakota Utilizing an Interdisciplinary Consortium. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association.
  2. Pinto, Sharrel, Christopher Kotschevar, Aaron Hunt, Alex Middendorf, Christopher Robbins, Erin Miller, Deidra Van Gilder. Impact of a Public Health Awareness Campaign on Patients’ Perceptions of Expanded Pharmacy Services in South Dakota Using the Theory of Planned Behavior. Pharmacy. December 19, 2022.

Invited Book Chapter – Peer Reviewed

  1. Ball, Jennifer, Erin E. Miller. Role of Outpatient Pharmacists in Opioid Overdose Prevention. ACSAP. Submitted and peer reviewed Spring and Summer 2022, will be published in 2023.

Presentations – National Webinars

  1. Smith, Kathryn, Erin Miller, Andrew Traynor and Noel E. Wilkin. “Managing Change to Do You Good: Tools to Incorporate Change Management into Your Leadership Development.” Live Webinar presented at the American Academy of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting 2021, July 22, 2021.
  2. Erin E. Miller, Teresa Seefeldt, Kate Rotzenberg and Andrea L. Porter. “From Silos to the Bigger Picture: Integrating SAS Throughout the Curriculum.” Webinar, March 10, 2021.

Presentations – Regional/Local Webinars

  1. Patton, Kim, Aaron Hunt, Erin Miller, Ashley Doran, Megan Colwell and Reid Plimpton. “Supporting Patients in Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Though Social Services and Telehealth Peer Coaching in Rural South Dakota, Part 4 of the HRSA Telebehavioral Health Webinar Series.” Webinar, July 21, 2021.
  2. Middendorf, Alex, Deidra Van Gilder and Erin Miller. “The Role of the Pharmacist in the Healthcare Team.” Webinar, April 14, 2020.
  3. Middendorf, Alex, Deidra Van Gilder and Erin Miller. “Medication Therapy Management: Opportunities to Collaborate.” Webinar, May 15, 2020.

Presentations – National Conference Papers or Posters (Peer Reviewed Abstract)

  1. Heidi Shultz, Erin E. Miller, Aaron Hunt, Abigayle Blanchette, Sharrel Pinto. “Improving the Health of South Dakotans through the Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: Practitioners’ Perceptions of Barriers to Care of American Indians.” American Pharmacist Association 2022 annual meeting, San Antonio, TX, March 18. 2022.
  2. Abigayle Sirek, Erin E. Miller, Abigayle Blanchette, Sharrel Pinto. “Pharmacists: The most Accessible yet Underutilized Healthcare Practitioners in South Dakota.” American Public Health Association 2021 annual meeting and expo, Boston, MA, November 6, 2021.
  3. Sirek, Abigail, Erin Miller, Yen-Ming Huang, Sharrel Pinto. “Assessing the Impacts of an Educational Campaign on Patient Awareness and Perceptions of Expanded Pharmacy Services in South Dakota.” Poster presented at the American Pharmacist Association Annual Meeting 2021, March 12, 2021.
  4. Blanchette, Abigayle, Abigail Sirek, Erin Miller, Aaron Hunt, Sharrel Pinto. “Comparing Practitioner Perspectives in Rural versus Urban Settings.” Poster presented at the American Pharmacist Association Annual Meeting 2021, March 12, 2021.

Presentations – Regional/Local Conference Papers or Posters

  1. Manuell, Austin, Erin Miller, Abigail Sirek, Sharrel Pinto, Yen-Ming Huang. “Assessing the Impact of an Educational Campaign on Patient Awareness and Perceptions of Expanded Pharmacy Services in South Dakota, Encore Presentation.” Poster presented at: South Dakota State University Faculty Excellence Showcase 2022, February 22, 2022.
  2. Blanchette, Abigayle, Abigail Sirek, Erin Miller, Aaron Hunt, Sharrel Pinto. “Comparing Practitioner Perspectives in Rural versus Urban Settings, Encore Presentation.” Poster presented at the Fall Convocation Program, South Dakota State University College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions, October 25, 2021.
  3. Miller, Erin, Abigail Sirek, Aaron Hunt, Sharrel Pinto. “Comparing Practitioner Perspectives in Rural versus Urban Settings, Encore Presentation.” Poster presented at the South Dakota State University Faculty Excellence Showcase, March 25, 2021.
  4. Miller, Erin, Abigail Sirek, Yen-Ming Huang, Sharrel Pinto. “Assessing the Impact of an Educational Campaign on Patient Awareness and Perceptions of Expanded Pharmacy Services in South Dakota, Encore Presentation.” Poster presented at the South Dakota State University Faculty Excellence Showcase 2021, March 25, 2021.
  5. Miller, Erin and Sharrel Pinto. Encore presentation-originally presented at APhA 2019. “Surveying the Landscape: Healthcare Practitioner Views on Statewide Diabetes Management and Prevention Efforts.” Poster presented at the South Dakota State University Faculty Excellence Showcase 2020, February 18, 2020.
