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Christopher Graham

Christopher Graham


Associate Professor/Extension Specialist-Agronomist

Office Building


Mailing Address

SDSU Extension West River Ag Center
711 N Creek DR
Rapid City, SD 57703


Originally a native of South Dakota, I came to SDSU in 2013. I obtained my B.S. from Arizona State University. After graduation, I spent a year in Mauritius as a Fulbright Scholar. I then completed an M.P.A. at Columbia University and a Ph.D. from Cornell University, working with Dr. Harold van Es on the nitrogen cycle with a focus on nitrous oxide emissions in agricultural fields. In between my university studies, I have had a number of different projects spread throughout both western and eastern Africa.


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  • Ph.D. | Cornell University
  • M.P.A. | Columbia University
  • B.S. | Arizona State University

Academic Interests

  • Interactions between plants, soil and microbes
  • Nitrogen cycle
  • Plant physiology
  • Nitrogen fixation and pulse crops

Extension Responsibilities

  • Research
  • Conducting Trials for spring wheat, winter wheat, oats, field peas, lentils, grain sorghum, forage sorghum and sunflower

Areas of Research

  • Water and nutrients in semi-arid climates.
  • Legumes and small grains.
  • How cover crops fit into semi-arid rotations where water is the primary limiting factor.
  • Nitrogen and water demands by mixed-species cover crops and the effects to a subsequent cash crop.
  • Using native rhizobia to increase N fixation in field peas and lentil.
  • Effects on nitrogen, carbon and microbial populations during the conversion of native prairie to rowcrops.
