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Ann Marie Bahr

AnnMarie Bahr


Professor Emerita of Religion

Office Building


Mailing Address

University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


  • Ph.D. in religion | Temple University
  • M.A. in religious studies | Stanford University
  • B.A. in geology | Lawrence University

Academic Interests

  • Geography of religion
  • World religions
  • Biblical studies
  • Indigenous religions
  • Religion in America

Academic Responsibilities

  • Geography of religion: Europe and USA
  • Geography of religion: Latin America and Africa
  • Geography of religion: India and China
  • Geography of religion: Middle East
  • Native American religions
  • World religions
  • Honors world religions

Committees and Professional Memberships

  • Phi Beta Kappa (1972-present)
  • Phi Kappa Phi (2007-present)
  • American Academy of Religion (AAR) 1998-present
  • Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) 1998-present
  • North American Association for the Study of Religion (NAASR) 2010-present
  • International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) 2010-present
  • American Association of University Professors (AAUP)


  • “Churches and Bridging Capital on South Dakota Reservations and in Rural South Dakota,” (co-PI w/Mike McCurry) funded by South Dakota Humanities Council, 2017.
  • “Ground Zero ... Common Ground“ panel and community discussion on the proposed Islamic Center near Ground Zero in New York City. (PI), funded by South Dakota Humanities Council, 2011.
  • Mini-grant for travel to AACU national meeting for Wingspread panel, Jan. 27, 2006.
  • Governor’s Grant in Technology, 2000.
  • Summer Research Funds, 1998.
  • Curriculum Revision Grant for Introduction to Religion, 1995.
  • Authored Bush Faculty Development Grant, 1992.
  • Grant to bring Dr. Leola Adams, Department Chair of Home Economics at South Carolina State College, to SDSU to work with faculty on understanding African-American culture and meeting the needs of Black students. Dr. Adams' address: "The 1890's Institutions: The Other Land Grant Universities." 1992.
  • South Dakota Committee on the Humanities Grant for the conference, “Seeds for a New Earth,” held at South Dakota State University, Feb. 27-28, 1990.


  • Editor of Religions of the World series (13 volumes) for Chelsea House Publishers (2004-2005).
  • Chief Consultant (academic editor) of a global history of Christianity for Millennium House Publishers (2009)--currently available in five languages.
  • “Preaching without a pulpit” in South Dakota Women: Influence, Action, and Voice, with Priyanka Chatterjee. South Dakota Agricultural Heritage Museum Press, 2012 (in progress).
  • “Nestorians under the Abassids,” page 142 in Christianity: The Illustrated Guide to the Story of Christianity. Sydney, Australia: Millennium House, 2009.
  • “Religion and Reason: Higher Education’s Opportunities and Challenges” in Miriam Rosalyn Diamond, editor, Encountering Faith in the Classroom: Turning Difficult Discussions into Constructive Engagement. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC, 2008.
  • “God’s Family and Flocks: Remarks on Ownership in the Fourth Gospel,” pp.91-104 in Covenant for a New Creation: Ethics, Religion and Public Policy, Carol S. Robb and Carl J. Casebolt, eds. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, in cooperation with the graduate Theological Union, 1991.
  • “Bridging social capital in the churches of rural South Dakota,” South Dakota State University extension publication (in progress) “Interreligious dialogue, community cohesion, and global citizenship: The role of a religion program in a rural, land-grant university” Journal of Ecumenical Studies 46:2, (Spring 2011), pages 242-250.
  • Letters to the Editor: “The ‘Daimon’ Is in the Details of the Gospel of Judas,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 27, 2008, pp. 25-26.
  • “The Right to Tell the Truth,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, May 6, 2005, p.B5
  • “Unless a Grain of Wheat: An Application of Max Scheler’s Philosophy of Sacrifice to Some New Testament Themes,” Proceedings of the Fourteenth European Studies Conference, Karl Odwarka, ed. (Cedar Falls, Iowa: European Studies Journal, 1990), pp.18-26.
