Department Head
Brian Logue
Department Head/Professor
Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics
College of Natural Sciences
Assistant Department Head
Robert McTaggart
Assistant Department Head/Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics
M. Nurul Islam
Assistant Professor/Coordinator of Campus Core Mass Spectrometry Facility
Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics
Rachel Willand Charnley
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics
The Willand-Charnley Lab
Research and Technical Staff
Mohd Anas
Temporary Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics
Graduate Assistants
Nur E Jannat
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Emeriti Faculty
Henry Gehrke Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics
Ivan Palmer
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics
Douglas Raynie
Professor and Department Head Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics
James Rice
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics