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South Dakota Center for Excellence in Soybean Research

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The South Dakota Center for Excellence in Soybean Research (Center) is dedicated to innovative research that improves the productivity and profitability of soybean production. The Center and the associated research are sponsored in part by South Dakota Farmers through the soybean checkoff. Thank you to the following partners for their dedication to improving soybean productivity and profitability: South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council, North Central Soybean Research Program and the United Soybean Board. Additional support for soybean research activities is provided by the United States Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture. 

The goals of the Center include:

Provide new knowledge and technologies for South Dakota soybean farmers and the soybean industry. Collaborative multi-state research will be conducted to solve current and emerging soybean production problems.

Deliver best management practices to South Dakota soybean farmers that improve the yield and profitability of soybean production.

Ensure the vitality and resiliency of soybean farming in South Dakota. The Center will train M.S. and Ph.D. level training of students to focus on soybean science as a long-term strategy for soybean yield improvement, yield stability and profitability of production.

Current Research:

Achieving 100 bushel/acre soybean yields: On-farm research and sharing high yield protocols with South Dakota soybean producers.  Increasing yields in a highly variable environment requires the development of adaptable systems that link advances in crop genetics with an improved understanding of ecosystem functioning and soil health. The proposed project will build the infrastructure where locally-led production and management questions are identified and tested. PI: D. Clay


  • Determine the influence of planting date, seeding rate and variety on soybean growth and nutrient uptake characteristics. 
  • Expand the on-farm research study experiments to expand the unbiased testing of agricultural products. 
  • Expand the Producer identified and prioritized on-farm demonstration program. Develop yield maps and prepare all producer reports.
  • Determine the response of variable-rate soybean seeding.
  • Determine the response of variable-rate potassium applications.
  • Determine the response of soybean grown after a multi-species cover crop.
  • Assess the response of soybean grown in saline soil areas.
  • Test the feasibility of utilizing coated cover crop seeds in rotations that include soybeans.

Controlling weeds in soybean. Herbicide resistant and difficult to control weeds cause yield loss and significant management costs to soybean farmers. This study will 1) establish demonstration plots to provide today’s best options for weed management; 2) assess herbicide treatments on glyphosate resistant waterhemp using combinations of herbicide chemistries and 3) examine agronomic traits of Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybean at four eastern South Dakota locations planted at 3 timings. PI: S. Clay

Effect of cultural practices on soybean seed quality: A review and research studies. This study will 1) identify factors affecting soybean seed protein and its composition and to define the best management practices (BMPs) for increasing soybean seed quality, through performing a meta-analysis of current and past scientific data; and, 2) with new field research spanning seven states, provide new information on how to increase soybean seed protein and essential amino acids by implementation of specific cultural practices. PI: P. Kovacs

Fungicide efficacy in the management of foliar fungal diseases in soybean.  This study will 1) determine the efficacy of foliar fungicides in controlling soybean fungal diseases; 2) offer sponsored soybean sample diagnosis for South Dakota producers; and, 3) offer grower education on soybean diseases and their management. PI: E. Byamukama

Continued monitoring, grower education and alternative hosts determination for effective management of the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines. The project will 1)create awareness and offer continued sponsored SCN testing service to South Dakota producers; 2) demonstrate the efficacy of nematicide seed treatments; and, 3) determine weeds that are alternative hosts for SCN in South Dakota. PI: E. Byamukama

Characterization of Phytophthora sojae and Phytophthora sansomeana populations in the North Central Region AND an assessment of management strategies. This study will 1)recover and determine the occurrence and distribution of P. sansomeana in South Dakota; 2) evaluate new sources of resistance to P. sansomeana; and, 3) establish fungicide sensitivity values for P. sansomeana isolates recovered from the fields. PI: E. Byamukama

Utilizing coated cover crop seeds in soybean based rotation in South Dakota. Interest in cover crops among South Dakota crop growers are increasing. Two major challenges Upper Plains cover crops growers face are 1) short seasonal window for cover crops establishment and 2) moisture availability. This study will use cover crops seeds coated with soil particles and water absorbent to increase the capability of seed to germinate at moisture deficit conditions, and in order to increase the establishment window, these seeds will be seeded aerially into the growing cash crop. The study will target corn-soybean and corn-wheat-soybean cropping systems. PI: D. Karki

Seedling Diseases – Biology, Management and Education. The project will 1) characterize the species of Fusarium causing seedling disease of soybean; and 2) screen soybean germplasm for resistance to species to Fusarium. PI: F. Mathew

Developing an Integrated Management and Communication Plan for Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome. This project will 1) Determine how seed treatments and in-furrow fungicides will affect SDS; and 2) Communicate research results with farmers and agribusinesses and other soybean stakeholders. PI: F. Mathew

Understanding the distribution and severity of soybean stem canker across the Midwest. The project will 1) Increase understanding of diseases caused by Diaporthe species; 2) Evaluate if other diseases of stressors like soybean cyst nematode (SCN) reproduction affects stem canker development on soybeans; 3) Evaluate seed treatment and in-furrow fungicides for management of diseases caused by Diaporthe species; and 4) Communicate research results with farmers and agribusinesses and other soybean stakeholders. PI: F. Mathew

Association of soybean cyst nematode with biotic stress factors (Fusarium and soybean aphid) and management. The project will 1) Determine the interaction of soil fertility, host plant resistance and soybean cyst nematode in root rot of soybean; 2) Characterize induced susceptibility effects on soybean-soybean aphid and soybean-soybean aphid-soybean cyst nematode interactions; and 3) Evaluate an integrated approach for management of sudden death syndrome and soybean cyst nematode on soybean. PI: F. Mathew

Student in Soybean Field