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Rules of Station Use

The Oak Lake Field Station buildings and grounds provide classroom and laboratory facilities to support instruction and research efforts. These facilities are utilized by a variety of public schools, government organizations and university groups throughout the year. The field station is managed under the principle of multiple use. This means that multiple groups may reserve and use various parts of the same facility at the same time. For example, there may be times when a public school or university class is using the classroom while one or more other groups are using the laboratory within the administration building. Thus, it is important that all groups follow certain protocols to ensure safe use of facilities and reduce the possibility of disrupting another group’s activity.

Grounds and facilities are locked for security reasons. We do not provide combinations or keys to temporary users. Your reservation was sent to the groundskeeper who will open the facilities ahead of your arrival time. Make sure you leave the doors unlocked while you are on-site so that you don’t become locked-out as you will have no key to get back inside. Keep multiple doors unlocked in case the main door gets locked accidentally. The groundskeeper will return to check the condition of the buildings and lock the facility. When you depart, close and lock all the doors!

General Field Station Use

  1. All users of the field station are required to submit a reservation form identifying needs, dates/times of arrival and departure and approximate number of attendees. This form must be received by the Department of Natural Resource Management ahead of any station use.
  2. Users of the station are allowed to use only those facilities and equipment they have reserved.
  3. Absolutely no pets are allowed on station grounds without the express permission of the station director. In rare instances, the station director may allow pets or other animals to be present in order to support a teaching activity. However, this requires advanced permission and additional precautions to ensure the safety of others using the site.
  4. No alcoholic beverages or narcotics are allowed on station property.
  5. Unless permitted during the muzzleloader season, absolutely no hunting is allowed on station property.
  6. Firearms are not allowed on station property (including BB guns, pellet guns, shotguns, rifles, pistols or any other tool intended launch projectiles with the purpose of hunting live animals) without the express permission of the station director. In rare cases, authorized individuals may gain permission to demonstrate the use of firearms as part of an instructional activity. However, this requires advanced permission and additional precautions to ensure the safety of others using the site.
  7. No knives exceeding 3.5 inches in length, bows or compound bows or explosives of any kind may be brought onto field station property.
  8. No fireworks are allowed on station property.
  9. Users of the station are allowed to build campfires only in restricted areas designated by the station director and groundskeeper. 
  10. Users of the station are not permitted to dig holes, take samples, remove or modify vegetation, kill-harm or remove animal life, indiscriminately discard garbage or release any chemicals or other harmful materials onto station property. Absolutely no site modifications can be made without advanced permission from the station director.
  11. Users of the station are financially responsible for any damages caused by their “group” during the course of their use of station facilities. Should an inspection following departure of the “group” reveal damages caused by that “group”, a billing will be sent to recover damages. Groups using the station are responsible for site security while they are using the facility. Buildings and gates should not be left unlocked or unattended while a group is reserved to use the facilities.
  12. Users of the station are responsible for leaving facilities in the same or better condition than when they arrived. Facilities and equipment used by a group should be cleaned, put away, garbage removed, floors swept, windows closed and doors/gates shut and locked upon departure.

Use of the Laboratory

  1. No food or drink may be consumed within the laboratory. In addition, no food or drink should be stored in the lab or in the laboratory refrigerator.
  2. Clearly label and mark all equipment and materials that you bring with you to support your research effort. Store equipment and materials in places designated by the station director only.
  3. All users are responsible for their own hazardous waste disposal. The field station has many users. We cannot anticipate the hazardous waste disposal needs of every group. Thus, all researchers must contain and remove their own waste to a hazardous waste disposal site. Follow the SDSU Hazardous Waste guidelines when handling these materials (see attached).
    1. All acids must be stored in the acids cabinet.
    2. All solvents must be stored in the solvents cabinet.
    3. Do not mix solvents and acids.
    4. Clearly label all containers with their contents, date and initials of person responsible for the materials.
  4. All users are responsible for cleaning their own station immediately after each use. Sample bottles and equipment should not be left on the countertops. You will be assigned an area for your supplies. Put your bottles/materials away when you are finished so someone else can use the countertop space.
  5. Glassware should be cleaned and put away following each use.
  6. Use the epoxy resin sink for vessels containing chemicals and the stainless steel sink for washing fresh samples or containers without chemical residue.
  7. Use the broken glassware container for broken glass. Do not put broken glass in the garbage can.
  8. Use of equipment, printers, fax machines, copiers, supplies, etc. will be charged to your bill. Do not assume that materials/equipment in the building are free for your use. Ask first!
    1. Equipment charges are based upon hours of use and will be negotiated before you are billed. In general, equipment charges will be a fraction of the maintenance/replacement cost of the equipment.
    2. You are welcome to use the printers, fax machine and copier. The cost is 5 cents per page.
    3. We do not provide supplies. All supplies, chemicals and equipment materials have been purchased from other research grant funds for specific uses. It is your responsibility to provide supplies in support of your own research effort. However, should you temporarily run short, we will try to get what you need and worry about reimbursement later.
  9. Do not use field station equipment until you have permission and instructions on its use.
  10. Do not store field or laboratory gear, samples or chemicals of any kind in the Dining Hall! The Dining Hall is for lodging and consumption of food. Human health concerns and the principle of multiple-use dictate that these materials must be kept at the field station lab.
  11. There are garbage disposals in each sink. Use these with the water running. Do not pour sand and gravel into the garbage disposal. Sieve your samples outside with the hose first.
  12. Refrigeration and freezer space within the lab is limited. Restrict your use of this space for samples that need immediate attention. These appliances should not be used for long-term storage. Samples needing long-term storage should be shipped back to your home laboratory. 
  13. The field station will provide a supply of distilled water. The source of this supply is the SDSU campus. There may be times when supply is interrupted when staff are out sampling. Make sure you have a back-up supply during those interruptions.

Classroom Use

  1. Written and video materials stored in the classroom (books, journals, video tapes) are available for your use. Put them away when you are finished.
  2. There is a charge for using video equipment based upon hours of use. This equipment must also be maintained and replaced. Equipment charges are based upon hours of use and will be negotiated before you are billed. In general, equipment charges will be a fraction of the maintenance/replacement cost of the equipment.
  3. Some equipment in the research lab may be used for certain classes. However, the instructor should ask about the availability of different equipment items. Don’t assume it will be available and don’t move the equipment from the lab.
  4. Research activity should not intrude into the classroom. Classes are scheduled irregularly throughout the spring, summer and fall. The classroom is also used for retreats and small conferences. Some of these groups schedule on short notice.
  5. Groups reserving the classroom must achieve access through field station staff. No keys will be checked-out for short-term users.
  6. All classes must clean-up the classroom before they leave. This includes cleaning putting away video equipment, wiping countertops, cleaning the whiteboard and sweeping the floor. 
  7. Doors should be pulled shut and locked when the group leaves. 
  8. Do not use field station equipment until you have permission and instructions on its use.
  9. Use of equipment, printers, fax machines, copiers, supplies, etc. will be charged to your bill. Do not assume that materials/equipment in the building are free for your use. You are welcome to use the printers, fax machine and copier. The cost is 5 cents per page.

General Direction for Station Use to Extended-Users

  1. Communicate space and equipment needs to the station director.
  2. Limit your use of station facilities to those areas and items for which you have made arrangements. Other users may reserve parts of the facility without your knowledge. Do not assume that you can take a canoe, camp or use other parts of the facility unless you have checked with the director first. Use of other parts of the facility may lead to additional charges to your account.
  3. Park in designated areas only. Do not drive motorized vehicles past the dining hall. No off-road vehicle traffic is allowed.
  4. Be aware that the dining hall, shower unit and administration building are often used by multiple groups at the same time. Collaborative scheduling and cooperation will ensure that all groups will have a pleasant and successful visit.
  5. Visitors are responsible for cleaning-up after themselves. The caretaking staff will perform general cleaning and haul garbage.
    1. No open food containers in the dining hall.
    2. Countertops, refrigerators and sinks should be kept clean between meals.
    3. Do not move furniture unless you have received permission from the caretaker or director.
    4. Do not pound nails in the walls or hang materials from the walls.
    5. Keep the screens on the windows.
    6. Make sure sinks are turned-off when you’re through using them.
    7. Absolutely no field gear should be stored in the dining hall. This is a living space. All field gear should be cleaned and stored at the field lab.
    8. Notify the caretaker or station director immediately regarding building problems. Do not attempt to fix problems on your own.
    9. All visitors are responsible for damages to facilities that they are renting unless these damages were caused by something beyond their control.