On Questions of COVID Mitigation Methods, South Dakotans are Sharply Polarized
The South Dakota COVID-19 Family Impact Survey 2021 was conducted from July 31 to August 14, 2021 by The South Dakota Polling Project, a research group housed in the School of American and Global Studies at South Dakota State University. This survey builds upon similar surveys conducted by The South Dakota Polling Project in October 2020 and April 2021. In this poll, a total of 573 registered voters in South Dakota answered questions about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their daily lives. The margin of error of this survey was +/- 4 %, on par with other state-wide polls.
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Work-family Balance of Older Employees in South Dakota
The South Dakota COVID-19 Impact Survey May 2021 was conducted from May 14 to 23, 2021 by The South Dakota Polling Project, a research group housed in the School of American and Global Studies at South Dakota State University.
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Feelings of Burnout of Older Employees in South Dakota
The South Dakota COVID-19 Impact Survey May 2021 was conducted from May 14 to 23, 2021 by The South Dakota Polling Project, a research group housed in the School of American and Global Studies at South Dakota State University. Participants from The South Dakota COVID Impact Survey were invited to share their thoughts on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their work-life balance.
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Job Satisfaction of Older Employees in South Dakota
The South Dakota COVID-19 Impact Survey May 2021 was conducted from May 14 to 23, 2021 by The South Dakota Polling Project, a research group housed in the School of American and Global Studies at South Dakota State University. Participants from The South Dakota COVID Impact Survey were invited to share their thoughts on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their work- attitudes and behaviors.
Low Trust in Government Linked to Vaccine Hesitancy in South Dakota
The South Dakota COVID-19 Impact Survey was conducted from April 12 to 25, 2021 by The South Dakota Polling Project, a research group housed in the School of American and Global Studies at South Dakota State University. A total of 3,057 registered voters in South Dakota completed our survey about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their daily lives, alongside questions on political beliefs given the partisan polarization of the policy response to the pandemic. The margin of error of this survey was +/- 2 %, which is less than most state-wide polls.
Religiosity in South Dakota
The South Dakota COVID-19 Impact Survey was conducted from April 12 to 25, 2021 by The South Dakota Polling Project, a research group housed in the School of American and Global Studies at South Dakota State University. A total of 3,057 registered voters in South Dakota completed our survey about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their daily lives, alongside questions on political beliefs given the partisan polarization of the policy response to the pandemic.
South Dakota Remains Mostly Polarized on Evaluation of Major Political Figures
The South Dakota COVID-19 Impact Survey was conducted from April 12 to 25, 2021 by The South Dakota Polling Project, a research group housed in the School of American and Global Studies at South Dakota State University.